We Shall See

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It felt like it was shattering Derek's ear drums. The scream cracked everything around them.

But he knew what it meant.

The hunters looked even more grim.

Lydia started to cry, she couldn't stop the tears from pouring down.

She was dead.

Kira was dead.

Stiles only grinned darkly.

"Told you you'd know where she is, do you think she got into heaven or hell?" He said casually.

Derek snarled, glaring at Stiles "You're the one that'll go to hell!"

Stiles shrugged "Probably but not yet"

This couldn't be how it ended, this just couldn't be! But Lydia could feel it. She-she wished she couldn't, despite it all Derek and the hunters still had a tiny bit of hope they could get through this.

But she knew differently.

Memories of the past slowly started to come to the forth front. Maybe it wasn't so bad, she'd done her best, hadn't she? There was only one thing left she had to do.

The shadows around them shivered suddenly, clumping together then revealing another figure.

Scott stepped out of the shadows, he had to admit, becoming allies with Nyx had been a fantastic idea. She was excellent for moving everyone around like pieces on a chessboard.

Derek lunged at Scott, eyes flashing. Stiles didn't flinch, watching looking amused.

Derek's teeth bared and he reached out to tear into Scott but without warning or hesitation Scott grabbed his wrist and twisted sharply.

There was a cracking sound and Derek howled in pain, crashing to his knees.

Stiles looked delighted.

Scott leaned down slightly, so they were face to face. His eyes flaring red.

Derek felt a sudden need to submit but he fought it with all his might.

"I wouldn't recommend attacking me, now have you learnt your lesson? Or do I need to break another bone?" Scott asked darkly.

Derek snarled, a rumbling growl ripping from his throat but to Scott it sounded like a weak attempt to sound brave, to put on a brave face in front of danger.


Derek grimaced and twisted in pain.

"Derek!" Lydia cried, stepping towards him but Stiles blocked her.

Scott had broken his arm, snapped it in two with ease.

"I thought you weren't the kind to play with your food"

A smooth menacing voice came from the shadows.

The hunters tensed, knowing who it was.

She slowly stepped out of the darkness, smiling.

Lydia glanced at the hunters, taking in their expressions, there was no fear, only wariness and determination.

"That's the Pagen God?" She asked.

Finn nodded, looking much more wary than his parents did.

"Yeah, it's called Nyx, goddess of the night and shadows"

His eyes narrowed.

"One of the more powerful Pagen gods"

His mother stepped forward in front of his family, far more serious than what Derek and Lydia had last seen her "Just because you've chosen a mortal vessel does not mean we aren't prepared to kill you. She was as good as dead as soon as you possessed her. Prepare to go back to whence you came!"

Nyx smiled patronisingly.

"We shall see"

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