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"Josh?" i said. A quetioning look all over my face. What is he doing here?

"I came to pick you up and take you to school. Last night i was drunk and my mom found out. So i will do whatever she says." he said while putting his hand on the wall.

"But i-i-i can walk." i said. I really don't want to go with him after what he did last night.

"Yeah i can too. Now get in the car before i make you." he said. My eyes widened and i nodded.

"Mom. I am going with Joshua at school." i yelled so she can hear me.

"Okay honey. Josh. Take care of Candice." she said. I rolled my eyes.

"Mom i am here you know. I don't need anyone to take care of me." i yelled back at her. I turned to look at Josh. He was smiling.

"I will Maria. Don't worry." he yelled at my mother while looking at me. That smirk of his is killing me.

He started walking to the car after we said our goodbyes to my mother. I closed the door and followed him.

"Wanna take shotgun?" he said and i tilted my head in confusion.

"Why who else is coming?" i asked him sitting on the front seat.

"Some of my friends." he said while putting the keys in the car and starting the engine.

"You better not get me late to school." i said. His car was this cars that the roof opens. I am not really good with cars don't judge me.

The air made my hair fly everywhere. Even if they were in a ponytail.

"Josh?" i said. He turned and looked at me. And then he turned back to the road.

"Why did you pull that prank on me?" i ask him. His lips forming a smile again.

"Cause my team and i wanted to make fun of the most smart girl in our school." he said. I sighed.

"Yeah but i lost my last 4 periods Josh. It wasn't funny for me." i said. He didn't say anything after that.

We arrived in front of a house and someone came out. Alec. I hate that guy. He is a big jerk.

"Woah man. Who's that girl right here?." he said while coming my way and winking at me. I wave him off and turned back to where i was looking at before. Actually i was just looking in front of me.

"Is this one of your bitches you have one night stands?" he asks. I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"Excuse me? Who do you call a bitch. Jerk." i said getting angry.

"Oh does the little nerd know how to talk. I know who you are girly. I am just playing with you." he said and i just rolled my eyes. Why did i agreed on coming with him?

The jerk sat on the back seat just like all the others did.

We arrived to school not late at all. And when we arrived i noticed everyone looking at us. My eyes widened. I forgot i was with the most famous guys in my school. I didn't move from my seat. The others were out of the car by now but i was still in with my eye wide open. Girls had angry expressions while looking at me. Some of them were dreaming to be in bed with one of those guys. Mostly Josh. He is the prettiest one. He got blue eyes. Dirty blonde hair. His tall and he got a really great body.

In the meantime i was still frozen there. I am starting to feel dizzy. I think i will faint. Oh that would be embarrassing.

"Shit." i heard Josh murmur. I saw him walk to my door and he opened it up. He helped me get up while i was still frozen in place. He wrapped his arm around my waist and i started to feel warm again. I looked up at him to see him looking at me too.

"Its gonna be okay. Just don't faint here." he whispered. I chuckled and nodded slowly. He was holding me the entire walk into the school. Then he let go of me and i walked to my locker. I grabbed my stuff and i quickly walked away.

Suddenly i bumped into someone. I looked up and it was Alexa. I smiled at her.

"Hey." she said. I waved at her still smiling.

"So--details what happened last night?" she asked. I let out a sigh remembering bout last night.

"Come to my house after school and i will tell you." i said to her. She nodded and i walked away. I went to my first class. English. Good is that i don't Josh in this class.

After the first period finished i went and grabbed my launch box and went to the library. I talked with Stacy a bit and then when the bell rang i walked to the next period. Maths. The class where i sit with Josh. The class that i have to teach Josh.

I went and sitted at the very behind. Sence i don't like all eyes on me. I saw Josh getting in the class. Let me say he was a bit late. And the teacher started saying the same stuff to him that he shouldn't be late all the time. But seriously what is this guy doing and he is late all the time. And thats when the school's bitch walked in. Jessica. And now i know what he is doing and he is always late. She was holding his hand as the teacher wrote his name down that he was late.

After the teacher finished writing them they both took a seat. Josh beside me and Jessica in the front seats. Her boobs were sticking out of her shirt. No reason why every male teacher gives her an A. Who knows what she does to teachers so she can pass.

I looked at Josh and then back to my book. I could feel his gaze on my so i turned and looked at him. Our eyes looking into eachothers.

"Need help?" i asked him breaking the gaze and looking into his book.

"Actually yes." he said. I was suprised that he needed my help. Its just so weird. I leaned in closer so i can double look in his book. I looked up our noses almost brushing so i leaned a little back.

"So you need to put this with this." i started explaining to him. And then i looked up only to realise we were so close to each other again. I turned my eyes a little and i saw Jessica looking at us. Jealousy floating all over her.

"You get it now?" i ask him. He nodded and i went back to my book and wrote what the teacher wrote on the board.

After we finished class. I was left me and Jessica in the class. Picking our stuff. The teacher left minutes ago. I started walking to the door when i heard my name.

"Candice." she said. I turned around to look at her. What could she possibly need?

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