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I pushed away from him.

"Am sorry i can't do this." i said and left. I walked up to the tents and he came too after a while. Nothing was said after that.


The past days we did talked but not too much. We still enjoyed our vacation though.

We are now in the airplane sitting next to each other. He had his earphones on and i was looking out the window. I don't know if i am excited to see Alec. I cheated on him and i didn't regret the smallest part of it. I sighed and looked outside to see that we were already landing.

I sighed one more time and closed my eyes to relax them a bit.


I got off the plane and went to the parking. Alec was there to pick me up. He came at me with opened arms and i runned into them with a wide smile on my face. He picked me up and spinned me around. He gave me a kiss on the lips and i returned it. It doesn't have the feeling that Josh gave me when he kissed me. I think i am falling for Josh. But the problem is i like Alec too.

I got in Alec's car and Josh in his mother's car. We drived off of the parking lot.

He took me back to my house and i was been welcomed with my mother's hugs and kisses. She told me happy birthday and all that stuff. I think i must tell her about what happened. And so i did.

"So you are now between two boys?" she asked. I nodded.

"I always knew you kind of liked Josh a bit." she said. My eyes widened.

"How did you?" i asked. She smirked and took a sip of her coffee.

"A mother always understand's her daughter." she said. I sighed.

"Mom what should i do?" i ask her. I turned my gaze down to the floor.

"Follow your heart. But that doesn't mean you heart will choose right away. Let some time pass." she said. I sighed and nodded. I waved at her and went upstairs to my room. It was already night outside so i went to sleep.

Next morning i woke up and decided to visit Alec since i haven't seen him in forever. I actually saw him but we haven't talked.

I grabbed my purse and walked to his house.

When i arrived i knocked on the door a few times before Alec opens the door. I smiled at him and walked inside.

He gave me a kiss on the forehead and i gave him a kiss on the lips. We both smiled at each other even if my smile was weak i tried to make it as real as possible. I came here cause i wanted to see my boyfriend and spend more time with him.

"So i was thinking." he said while walking to the couch.

"How about we go on a second date?" he said. I smiled and sat on the couch.

"Sure." i said and kissed him on the lips. Who would thought this year will turn out like that. I never thought i'll have a boyfriend or be in a love triangle.

Tomorrow is monday and i will see my friends. I found out when i was with Josh in Australia that Adrian left town. He moved with his family to another city. I was kinda sad just like the girls.


We spend the day watching Netflix and Chill and making out on the couch. I've changed a lot since the start of this year. I don't have much time to do homework anymore and i think i am starting to fail but i will try to keep up with homework a little.

It was time for me to go home. I stood up and told Alec that i was leaving.

"Want me to take you home? I mean its dark outside i don't want you to walk alone." he said. I smiled and nodded. He grabbed his car keys from the kitchen counter and opened the front door. I walked out first and then he walked out behind me. He locked the door and unlocked the car. He started the engine ans music started playing. I noticed that it was the 'Bodak yellow' song. Yeah i am into this songs. I put the volume up and started rapping in sync with the song.

"I didn't know you could rap." he said while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Well its not a hard song at all everyone could rap it." i said and continued rapping. I saw on the corner a little smile forming.


When i arrived home i opened the door to find Josh talking to my mom. Alec left immediately when i got out of the car cause his mom called and wanted him to drop her somewhere. Anyway i walked in my house to see my mom cooking and Josh was talking to her and helping her.

I smiled at the image in front of me but i was brought back from my thoughts when Josh spoke up.

"Want to call your boyfriend to come in too?" he asked with an ironic sound in his voice. I rolled my eyes.

"He left he had to take his mom somewhere." i said to him and walked towards my mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She kissed me back.

"Can't i have a kiss too?" he asked. I chuckled and rolled my eyes again. I walked towards him and gave him a kiss on the cheek too this time i had to stand on my tip toes. A smiled formed on his face and his dimples popped out. I giggled a little at how red he turned.

I grabbed the knife and raw chicken he was holding and pushed him with my hip to move so i can cut the chicken. He moved and i started cutting it.

"Who's idea was it to cook tonight?" i asked while focusing not to cut a finger.

"Mine." mom said.

"Great. Josh can you please get me the pepper?" i asked him. He moved from beside me and grabbed the pepper for me. I peppered the Chicken breasts and gave it back to him.

"Thanks." i said and added some salt on top and then some lemon.

I putted the chicken breasts in the pan and added the pieces of lemon on top. When mom finished cutting the potatos i added some more pepper on top and then some red sauce. I spreaded some cheese on top and added it in the oven. We all started cleaning up the kitchen.

"Josh where is your mother?" i asked while putting the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Work." he said and came beside me and added more plates in. I turned and looked at him and then notice we were too close again. We locked our gazes together. A sound of broken glass brought us back to life. I turned around to see.....


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