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We reached our destination and we were now underneath the mountain we were climbing onto. I putted the leash around me in case i would need it and i started climbing up from rock to rock. It was pretty hard cause i am not a very active person. Josh on the other hand he is really active and all.

As i was thinking about this i turned to look at him and i realised he was shirtless and little drops of sweat were dripping down his bear body.

I coughed and continued climbing. Suddenly i stepped on the wrong rock and my leg fell. I gasped and Josh quickly grabbed me before i fall. I looked at him.

"Thanks." i murmured. He nodded. I was able to climb up some rocks so Josh let go of me.  He was already to the top and i was in the middle of the mountain. And trust me its a really big mountain.

I might not be spiderman but he is.

I struggled a little but after a while i made it to the top and smiled. I grabbed my water bottle and drank some.

"So--how are we getting down?" i asked.

"Why you think you have that leash?" he asked. I widened my eyes at him.

"Really?" i asked. He nodded and i sighed. I grabbed my leash and he did too. On the other side of the mountain there was a beach so i was kinda scared.

I walked to the other side to tied my leash but suddenly i was pushed. I screamed like a little kid when you take their candy away. I was able to see who it was though. Josh. He was planning all this from the start. And then a big splash sound came in my ears and i noticed i was under the water. I don't know how to swim so i didn't evwn put effort to go up from the water. So i was actually drowning. Suddenly another splash from beside me sounded. I looked beside me and it was Josh. He was coming closer to me. He grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of the water. I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed heavily.

"Am sorry i didn't know." he said. I nodded and he started swimming with me on his back and took us out from the water. It was really deep here. I don't have a little doubt about a shark eating us here.

When we were now on the sand Josh put me down and i walked and sat a little far away from the sea. I sat down and Josh came beside me. I looked at him as the sun shined in my eyes making them a bright color of yellow. His eyes were much more lighter then they usually are and they were breathtaking.

"How are we gonna go back?" i asked him. He layed back on the sand and i did too.

"There is a small path we can go from." he said closing his eyes.

"So you had this whole thing planned from before?" i asked. He nodded and i sighed.

"Anyways i think we shall go cause is getting dark." i said and got up. I wiped the sand from my butt and so did Josh. He walked in front of me and i saw a lot of sand on his butt so i went to clean it up. I smacked his back and he stopped.

He turned around and started chasing me. I laughed so badly. Then he caught me and grabbed my from my waist and dragged me with him. He then put me on his shoulder and i was now having a better view of his butt.

"Well now i have a better view." i said smacking his butt one more time.

"Oh trust me i have better one than you." he said and giggle a little.

"Hey!" i yelled and started punching his back.

"You know it doesn't hurt right?" he asked. I sighed in defeat and stopped. Well i guess i don't have to walk.

We reached the end of the path and Josh let me down. He smacked my butt once i touched the dirt.

"Josh!" i yelled and walked back to him. I looked up cause lets be honest he is a giant beside me. I am like 5'1 and he is probably 6'4 so thats a lot of difference.

I got closer to him and crashed my body with his so i can look up. He looked down and smiled but i kept a blank expression. He leaned a little closer cause he is too tall.

"You so cute when you try to look angry but you are so small and nobody takes you seriously." he said and smiled more his dimples showing. I crossed my arms and growled under my breath.

"Come on lets go." he said and tried to leave but i stopped him.

"Princess--" he said and i shook my head.

"Okay if i told you that i am going to crash you on that mountain and be infront of you. So close to you and there is no way to leave. Will you continue walk?" he asked. Pointing on the big mountain behind us.

"I know you wouldn't do that so no i wont move." i said. And he nodded. He grabbed my waist and he made sure my lega weren't touching the ground so i wont leave. And he got closer to that mountain. He put me down and pushed me onto the mountain. I gasped as my back touched the mountain. He put his hands on either sides so i can't leave and came closer to me. He leaned down and now our foreheads were touching.

"Really princess? I won't do it?" he asked. I shook my head in disapproval cause i know that he wont kiss me. Not again. Not after what he said about not doing it again.

He leaned closer brushing his lips with mine. Shivers started going down my spine. He then pressed his lips with mine.

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