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"This is Scarlett." she said pointing at a girl with dark black hair and blue to white eyes. She is beautiful. She looks like a dark snow queen. I shaked her hand too.

"This is Alice." she said. Wait a minute. They are so alike. I gasped at the thought.

"Yes we are twins." they both said at the same time. Oh!! I always wanted twin friends.

"And this is Adrian. His our gay friend." she said. I smiled at him and shaked his hand. His cute. I just wanna grab his cheeks and play with them the whole day.

And that was all the people at the table. We started eating. We talked about our favorite stuff. Such us activities and colours.

"Uhm.. I like blue and black. And my favorite activity is to read." i said while smiling and chewing my sandwich.

"Black and blue. And sleep." said scarlett.

"Yellow and orange. And basket." Alice said.

"Black and white. Modeling." Alexa said.

"Pink and purple. Walking in heels." Adrian said

"Black. Soccer." Alec said i turned and looked at him. Wait if he likes soccer means he is in the team.

"Are you in our school's team?" i ask him and he nodded.

"I might be the next captain if that Josh guy doesn't keep up with his math." he said. Shit i forgot to tutor him. I am the stupiest girl in the whole universe. But with everthing that's been happening how can i keep up with the real world.

After we finished launch we all went to seperate classes. And thats how day passed. Me talking to my new friends.

After that i got ready to go tutor Josh.

I went to his house and knocked on the door. He opened the door. Thank god his wearing a shirt.

"Uhm..i came to tutor you." i said and he nodded and made space for me to get in the house.

"Uhm.. No how about we go to the park." i said. I can't risk Jessica seeing me and Josh together again. Is not like we do something. I only hugged him.

He nodded and came outside with me. This time i brought my books. We walked together to the park.

"Why are you so silent?" i ask him. His beeing weird again.

"Nothing lets just get over with this thing." he said and we arrive to the park. We sat on a bench and i started tutoring him. The time flew by and it was almost 8 pm.

"Crap i should get going. Mom would be back home in a little bit." i said and stood up. He stood up with me and waved me a goodbye. He is so weird. At first his nice with me and now were back with him being a jerk.

I arrived back home and i saw my mom sitting on the couch.

"Where were you young lady?" she asked me. She looks mad. Shit.

"I was tutoring Josh. Remember the thing i told you?" i asked her and she nodded. Okay she trusts me. I thought she would start saying that i can't be out in this time. That there are dangerous people out there. Like the people who killed my father.

I walked upstairs and got in the shower. I took a long hot shower. I washed away all the misery surrounding me.

"I miss you dad." i murmured to my self. I closed the water and walked out of the shower. I dried my body with the towel and brushed my hair. I wore my pyjamas and walked out of the bathroom. I quickly fell on the bed and fell asleep. Since i haven't slept for a day.

Next morning i woke up a little late so i quickly found somethint random and wore it. I let my long wavey dark brown hair down and walked out of the house as quickly as i could. I knocked at Josh's door.

"What?" he said opening the door. His eyes half closed from the sun hitting him. He seems like he just woke up.

"I need a ride to school. I am late. Can i take your car?" i asked him. He sighed and gave me the keys.

"Here. But don't crash it anywhere." he said and i took the keys and smiled. I said my goodbye and opened the car engine. I started driving. I am so happy i finally can drive a car. Even if isn't mine.

As i was driving i saw a car on the side of the road. You know when they come from other sides of the road. As i was passing him suddenly i heard a really loud BOOM. I stopped the car fast enough and went down from the car. I was a bit far away i could't see that well but i think that it was that big black car that was on the side of the road. And there was a motorcycle on the floor. I started getting closer and closer to see if the people were okay.

I stopped to my trucks.

"No! No. No. No." i said really fast.

"It can't be--" i murmured. I gasped and suddenly my knees colapsed to the ground. Tears started to run down my cheeks. This can't be happening.



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