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Kim Doyoung
Active Now

Doyoung: Jeff!

Jaehyun: jeff?

Doyoung: I mean Jeffrey, sorry.

Jaehyun: nah its ok

Doyoung: Really? :D

Doyoung: Btw, acquaintance party is coming.

Jaehyun: so?

Doyoung: Mind if we meet at that day?

Jaehyun: gossssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh /deleted

Jaehyun: why?

Doyoung: I mean we're friends for a bit long but I didn't even have a clue how you look like

Jaehyun: we're friends?

Doyoung: Oh!

Doyoung: Are we not? :(

Jaehyun: yes we are but i want more than that tho

Jaehyun: OH SHIT /not sent

Doyoung: What? O.o

Jaehyun: i mean like best friends

Jaehyun: hehez

Doyoung: Oh i see

Doyoung: So, let's meet then?

Jaehyun: i'll think abt it

Doyoung: Why do you have to?

Jaehyun: im shy

Jaehyun: and im ugleee

Jaehyun: lolz no im just kidding /not sent

Jaehyun: im so handsome that you even fell in love with me /not sent

Doyoung: I don't care

Jaehyun: uhmm

Jaehyun: i have a virus

Doyoung: You're just giving reasons not to see me

Jaehyun: but im really shy :(

Doyoung: Don't worry, i'll approach you first.

Jaehyun: how will u approach me if u dont know who i am personally?

Doyoung: Then ur send picture

Jaehyun: lolz no thanks

Jaehyun: i told u

Jaehyun: im shy

Jaehyun: and im uglee

Doyoung: Tsk just tell me what you'll wear that day so I can come to you

Jaehyun: k hehez

Doyoung: Gahd! It's past 12 i need to sleep now. Goodnight Jeff!

Jaehyun: night! see u tom at class

Doyoung: Huh? Are we classmates?

Jaehyun: fck /deleted

Jaehyun: just kidding night

Jung Jeffrey logged out

Doyoung: Okay?


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