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Moon Taeil
Active Now

Jaehyun: hi hyung!

Taeil: Doyoung didn't come home yet. He said he'll be back tomorrow.

Jaehyun: ..?!?

Taeil: He's in Gyeonggi-do rn

Jaehyun: hyung...

Taeil: I know that u chat me bcoz of him duh

Taeil: Anyways, if you're planning to give him stuffs like teddy bear or chocolates, don't do it

Taeil: Doyoung will think that u think of him as a materialistic kind of person

Taeil: Bouquet of tulips will do

Taeil: Don't mess it up, Jung Jaehyun.

Moon Taeil logged out

Jaehyun: thank you hyung ❤️

Jung Jaehyun
1 hour ago

on my way to MY LIFE ❤️ #ilykdy #imy #surprise

Lee Taeil, Jung Joonyoung, and 2716 others reacted to this photo

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Lee Taeil, Jung Joonyoung, and 2716 others reacted to this photo.

Nakamoto Yuta: hash-tagged surprise but u posted it? ?_?

Na Jaemin: At least hide this post from DY hyung

Dong Sicheng: Plz take care of our bunny hyung :D

Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul: @Yuta @Jaemin jaehyun's half dumb, half ass

happy 30k reads yeoroBUN *cries happy tears*

a/n: happy 30k reads yeoroBUN *cries happy tears*

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