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"Aye dude! Why are you short of breath?" The first thing Johnny asked when Doyoung arrived at the gymnasium.

"N-nothing" Doyoung said, holding his fast beating heart. He sat down next to Yuta.

"Look hyung! Your Mr. Bully just arrived" Donghyuck said. All of them in the table looked at the entrance door and noticed something so familiar to them.

"Is it just me or Jaehyun's bunny phone case is the same as Doyoung?" Yuta said which all of them agreed.

"Oh it really looks like—" Doyoung stopped when he realised that he forgot to get his phone before running away. He mentally slaps his self for being dumb.

"GOSH HYUNG! HE'S LOOKING AT US— NO, HE'S LOOKING AT YOU" Donghyuck fanboyed. Doyoung is having cold sweats in his forehead right now. He doesn't know what to do. Should he hide?

"He's coming to our table" Taeil said.

Doyoung acted like a spoon fell under their table which made Sicheng laugh at how ridiculous his hyung is.

"Uhm, have you guys seen Doyoung? I thought he is here a while ago." Jaehyun said while rubbing the back of his head feeling shy towards Doyoung's friends.

Yuta picked Doyoung up under the table and let him face Jaehyun. "Here is your bunny"

"Shut up, Na Yuta!" Doyoung glared but the blush on his face is undeniably visible. And so is Jaehyun's face.

"Just look at the both of them blushing like a virgin" Donghyuck whispered but loud enough to hear what he said.

All at the table except for Doyoung laughed. "What a wicked kid" he whispered.

"I heard that hyung! But i'll let it pass since I don't want to ruin this day for you" Donghyuck said as he giggles. Doyoung was about to knock the kid's head when Jaehyun spoke.

"Uhm.. M-may I borrow your f-friend for a while?" Jaehyun asked.

"Did I hear that right? Am I hearing things or NCT U's Mr. Bully just stuttered?" Johnny said in an unbelievable tone.

"Stop that Johnny!" Taeil said "Go ahead Jaehyun, make sure you won't bring back our Doyoung"

"YAH HYUNG!" Doyoung yelled.

"W-what do you mean?" Jaehyun asked.

"Don't bring back Doyoung to us unless you get his virginity" Yuta said.

They all laughed. Doyoung walked out in embarrassment while Jaehyun followed him.

"Get laid well!!!" Johnny shouted.

"Wow! His friends are sure annoying" Jaehyun thought. "But wait, why am I enjoying the way they tease us together"

Jaehyun stopped his thoughts when Doyoung stopped walking and bumped on his back.

"Ouch!" Jaehyun whispered.

"I'm sorry and i'm sorry on behalf of my friends" Doyoung apologized "They made you uncomfortable right?"

Jaehyun smiled showing his dimples. "Not at all"

Doyoung looked away, trying not to blush, again. I mean duh! Jaehyun's dimples is so attractive that you might melt out of nowhere.

"By the way, can I get back my phone now?" Doyoung said in a polite tone.

"Oh yeah! Here" Jaehyun gave the phone back to him. They had a skin contact that made both of them a chill on their spine.

*awkward silence*

"H-hey i think i n-need to go back" Doyoung broke the silence with his stuttering sentence.

"Can you wait for a while?" Jaehyun asked.


"I have something to say to you but I needed to pee. It really is urgent" Jaehyun said wiggling on his spot. Doyoung laughs at the site. What a cutie. He thought.

"Sure, go ahead" As if on cue, Jaehyun ran for his life to the bathroom.

Doyoung sighed. He can't believe that he started a conversation with his ultimate crush who had bullied him. He sat on the grass field and look at the sky. The stars are visible and they are shining like Jaehyun's eyes when he smiles.

I wonder how Jeffrey is doing right now. He thought. He took his phone out and looked if Jeffrey messaged him. No new message. It reads.

Jung Jeffrey
Active Now

Doyoung: Hey! Still alive?

Jaehyun: heeeeey

Jaehyun: any news?

Doyoung: Guess what!!!

Jaehyun: ???


Jaehyun: woaaah congrats!

Doyoung: Change topic, what emergency did occur that you didn't get to attend here at the party?

Jaehyun: honestly, im here hehe

Doyoung stood up when he read what Jeffrey replied to him.


Doyoung: Meet*

Doyoung: Sorry typo just excited to meet you

Doyoung: Im here at the 127 park near the gymnasium.

Jaehyun: i know

Doyoung: What do you mean?

Jaehyun: look behind you

Doyoung look at his back and was shocked to see Jaehyun waving at him with his phone on his left hand. It made Doyoung felt weak that he even dropped his phone on the ground.

Jaehyun giggles as he get his bunny's phone on the ground.

"You're so careless. Here!" Jaehyun said.

Doyoung is just staring at him. "What's with the look?" Jaehyun asked "I thought you are excited to meet me?"

"B-but this is n-not what I imagined!" Doyoung said "You and Jeffrey are the same person?"

Jaehyun nods like an innocent child. "No, I don't believe you! Prove it!" He demands.

beep beep

Jung Jeffrey
Active Now

Jaehyun: hey bunny! its me, your mr. bully 😉

Jaehyun: you look so fine tonight by the way

Jaehyun: stop staring at me like that

Jaehyun: i might melt

Jaehyun: are u not excited to see me?

Jaehyun: show some reactions :3

Doyoung frowned at Jaehyun's messages "Are you flirting with me right now?"

"Yes, I am—"


"Ouch that hurts, my bunny! What was that slap for?" Jaehyun said while holding his slapped cheek.

"I th—" Before he can continue what he was saying, Doyoung burst into tears.

tijens! wazzup! longest update so far since i haven't updated for so long hehe.

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