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Kim Doyoung
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Doyoung: Im so excited to finally meet you at the acquaintance party later

Doyoung: Hey Jeff!

Jaehyun: yes?

Doyoung: What will you wear later?

Jaehyun: uhm...

Doyoung: ?

Jaehyun: sorry cant go

Doyoung: WHAT?! Why? :(

Jaehyun: emergency.

Doyoung: That's a shame. I am so eager to meet my internet friend.

Jaehyun: see u next time. just update me with the happenings at the party later.

Doyoung: Sure!

"You're so stupid, Jae!" Taeyong said.

"What did i do?" Jaehyun asked though he did know why Taeyong told him like that.

"It's the perfect chance to finally reveal yourself to him but you just waste it!" Taeyong said in frustration. He is one of those silent BUBU Shippers that want it to happen. (the truth is, ty track doesnt support jaeten lolz)

Ten and Mark just nodded at what Taeyong said.

"Now's not the right time" Jaehyun replied in a silent manner but the three gays hear it.


Jaehyun raised his left eyebrow at the word bubu. "Bubu? What the fck is that?"

"Your ship name with Doyoung hyung" Mark said nonchalantly.

"Ship name? And did you just call him hyung? O.o"

"What's wrong with calling him hyung? We are kind of close after all and it's not like it's the first time you hear me calling Doyoung, hyung"

"WHAT? Why i didn't know about this?" Jaehyun is shock. Really shock.

"You are over-acting Jaehyun" Taeyong said "Being possessive towards your bunny, eh?

Ten laughs at the situation "Jaehyun is in love" before our mr. bully could ever say anything, he was already cut by Ten. "And don't you even deny it because it's very much obvious"

Jaehyun sighed at the defeat "Okay! I admit, I found Doyoung cute and sometimes handsome, he is the reason why I left the 127 building and transfer to U building. My heart begins to beat so fast whenever I saw his name popping on my notifications. I always feel like im lacking out of oxygen whenever we are close to each other. BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN THAT I LIKE OR LOVE HIM. Okay?"

Taeyong, Ten, and Mark were shooked at their friend's sudden confession. What did Jaehyun eat that he suddenly blurted cheesy words that he never says in his entire life?

"What has gotten into you?" Taeyong laughs but at the same he is happy that his friend has man up, finally.

"You are feeling those but you don't like or love Doyoung? Are you crazy?" Ten asked.

"I don't know! I'm actually confused"

"Believe me Yoonoh, you are in love with bunny" Ten said with a warm smile.

"How do you say so?" Jaehyun is still confuse. This is the first time he felt this.

"That's what I said to my mind in the past but eventually accepted that I am in love with Taeyong, look at me now! So relieved. It's so hard hiding your feelings y'know?" Ten winked at Taeyong. He is trying to flirt but Taeyong just looked away and blushed lolz.

"Maybe, I am" Jaehyun bowed down his head.

"Why are you feeling down, Jae hyung? You are supposed to be happy that you finally figure out what you feel for Doyoung hyung" Mark said.

"This shouldn't be happening. I shouldn't be in love with that bunny!"

"But you just did and you can not always control what you feel, Yoonoh" Taeyong said as he stood up from his seat. He looked at his watch. "It's already 6:58 pm. The party is about to start!"

"And so is the bubu confrontation" Ten whispered. "LET'S GO!"

i can smell the near ending of this epistolary :—( lolz
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