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Nakamoto Yuta
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Yuta: Yah! Where the hell are u?

Yuta: The squad is waiting for u

Yuta: We're at the gym hall rn

Yuta: Table #27


Yuta: The party is abt to start! FASTER!

Doyoung: I am running right now, sorr-KAGSISHSHSHS

"I am so sorry" Doyoung bowed to the person he bumped as he tried to get his phone on the floor but was stopped when the stranger got it first.

"I'm really sorry but can you please give me back my phone, i am in a hur—"

"You look nice tonight" Doyoung was shocked. Why? The most ever handsome Mr. Bully is standing in front of him, smiling with his cute dimples being shown, holding his phone.

Doyoung looked around and made sure if there are other people around. "A-are you talking to me?" he asked.

"Do you see other people that I might talk to right now, beside you?" Jaehyun questioned back.

"I-i mean it's t-the first time you t-talked to me without i-insulting, i just want to make sure"

Jaehyun laughs at Doyoung's cuteness. He looks like a scared bunny. "Am I that mean to you?"

Doyoung stayed silent as an answer.

"Silence means yes, right?" Jaehyun said "I am sorry for what I did, please forgive me?"

Doyoung nodded as an answer.

"Just noticed that we wore the same color of shirt! We look like a couple" Jaehyun giggled at the thought of them being a cute couple. While Doyoung? He's blushing like a red tomato.

"Would you mind if i escort you to the party?" Jaehyun asked as he lend his right hand in front of Doyoung.

Doyoung didn't know what to do. His heart is beating so fast that it makes him feel uncomfortable. He bowed once again and decided to ran away from Jung Jaehyun.

"Am I rejected?" Jaehyun said to himself while scratching the back of his head. His thoughts were stopped when a notification pops "OH! HEY BUNNY! YOUR CELLPHONE!" Jaehyun decided to follow where Doyoung went and maybe, confess the truth later? Let's see.


votes and comments are much appreciated, xoxo.

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