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Kim Doyoung
18 mins ago

No need for a lot of words. I just really love this man. ❤️

Wong Yukhei, Song Minho and 2198 others reacted to this photo

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Wong Yukhei, Song Minho and 2198 others reacted to this photo.

Park Jisung : Seriously hyung, in front of my salad?

Zhong Chenle: Jisungie is literally eating salad rn btw

Kim Jisoo: My gaaaaaay heart 😍

Jung Jaehyun: i want to kiss u right now


Jung Jaehyun
5 mins ago

i love him more than he loves me lolz
#noonesgonnastopme #backoff #mine

i love him more than he loves me lolz#noonesgonnastopme #backoff #mine

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Lee Minhyung, Na Jaemin and 4601 others reacted to this photo.

Park Lina: ugly

Shi Teu: my bubu heart is aliveeee

Lee Donghyuck: Jaehyun hyung not using a # every post challenge . FAILED.

Moon Taeil: Is today something special?

Jung Jaehyun: @Taeil wdym?

Moon Taeil: Why are you posting each other's picture?

Jung Jaehyun: that's normal for couples like us lolz

Nancy Jewel Mcdonie: Cute. See u later jaejae! imy 💕

Seo Youngho
2 mins ago

Someone plz remind me why i ask doyoung to help me with my project. He's just flirting with jae and they're both ignoring me.

Lee Taeyong, Huang Renjun and 108 others reacted to this status.

Seo Youngho:

Lee Taeyong: lolololol

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Lee Taeyong: lolololol

jae's comment section is full of toxic ppl lolz

don't forget to comment

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