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Nancy Jewel Mcdonie
Yesterday at 5:37 pm

Coffee date with my jaejae ❤️ #loveisintheair

Coffee date with my jaejae ❤️ #loveisintheair

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NCT angry reacted at this photo.

Jung Jaehyun: delete this.

Boo Chaeyeong: @Kim Doyoung

Kim Yuan: @Kim Doyoung

Maximilliam Smith: hey nans, is that ur boyfriend?

Nancy Jewel Mcdonie: @Maximilliam hihihi 💕

Nakamoto Yuta: @Kim Doyoung :—(

Kim Doyoung: Is this the emergency thing that u told me? :D @Jaehyun

Lee Minhyung: @Jaehyun, u fckd up bro tsk tsk

You: i want to slap this btch

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