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Jaehyun: guys help :—(

Taeyong: Is this about about Doyoung?

Ten: I don't know a jaehyun who fcked up his own love life #mybubuissinking huhuhu

Taeyong: Oh please. ten shut up!

Ten: Then make me, babe ;)

Mark: Stop flirting guys eww

Ten: Stop pretending mark, as if u don't suck ur roommate's dick

Jaehyun: o.o

Mark: WTF

Ten: Oops auto correct 🙊

Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul is typing...

Lee Taeyong removed Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul from the group chat

Taeyong: Let's get back to the topic

Jaehyun: doyoung hyung doesn't answer my calls, ty hyung :—(

Taeyong: Just what the hell did u do?

Mark: He cheated

Jaehyun: I DID NOT

Mark: With his childhood friend

Jaehyun: sTOP IT

Mark: *sweetheart

Jaehyun: shut up

Mark: And ditched Doyoung to their supposed-to-be meeting with the parents

Mark: #poordoyounghyung

Jung Jaehyun removed Lee Minhyung from the group chat

Jaehyun: why is no one on my side?

Taeyong: You're in the wrong here, Jaehyun

Taeyong: Did you tell ur boyfriend that you'll be meeting your childhood friend?

Jaehyun: nope :(

Jaehyun: i forgot to tell him since i promised to go with him and i also forgot that i also promised nancy that we'll meet on the same day

Jaehyun: im a mess i know

Jaehyun: but when i was about to go to doyoung, nancy grabbed me on the way to her car and i just can't stop her since it's the first time we'll be seeing each other after a decade

Jaehyun: my phone battery died so i can't call him

Taeyong: I suddenly felt my head aching

Taeyong: Wrong move, mister, wrong move

Taeyong: You should have set your priorities

Taeyong: Go chat doyoung's close friends, ask them what's his favourite things, give it to him and ask for forgiveness

Jaehyun: thanks hyung

Lee Taeyong added Lee Minhyung and Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul from the group chat


Ten: Anyways, you suck Jung Jaehyun

Mark: lolz

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