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Jung Daehyun
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Daehyun: Jaehyun-ah.

Jaehyun: yes, hyung?

Daehyun: Did you hear the news?

Jaehyun: hmm? nope.

Daehyun: She is back! :D

Jaehyun: who?

Daehyun: YOUR NANNAN! She just came back from america last week.


Jaehyun: i should see her. it's been a long time.

Daehyun: That would be nice! their house is near from us but don't you still have a class for this week?

Jaehyun: that would wait, hyung hehe

Jaehyun: but my nannan should not.

Jaehyun: tell mom that i'll visit home this week

Daehyun: Mom will be so glad to hear this

Daehyun: I guess have to go now? I still have loads of works to do. Study hard, Yoonoh.

Jaehyun: yes, hyung ^^

Jung Daehyun logged out.

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