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in text format

gongmyung hyung
hey dons, someone's here downstairs looking for you

lil bro dy

gongmyung hyung
idk just get down

gongmyung hyung
u lazy ass

After 6 minutes...

my bunny 🐰💕
wtf r u doin here?

cheater jaehyun
to see my life?

my bunny 🐰💕
shut up

my bunny 🐰💕
that's not going to work

cheater jaehyun
but i see u blushing ^^

cheater jaehyun
talk to me pls?

my bunny 🐰💕
we're talking

cheater jaehyun
i mean face to face

my bunny 🐰💕
we're facing each other

cheater jaehyun
using our voice, hyung

my bunny 🐰💕

"Kim Dongyoung, when are you planning to let your friend enter our house?" Gongmyung butted in as he can't stand the two guys looking dumb, just texting and not talking to each other while stealing glances.

Doyoung rolled his eyes as an answer and went to the kitchen as he's thirsty.

"I'm Gongmyung, Doyoung's brother, and you are?"

"Jung Jaehyun, your brother's boyfriend" Jaehyun said while offering a handshake and smiling ear to ear.

"Oh, you're the one who he keeps talking about? Nice meeting you, brother-in-law" Gongmyung said "By the way, what keeps you busy yesterday?"

"Oh uhm—" Doyoung pulled Jaehyun outside before he answered the question leaving his brother, dumbfounded.

1 new text message

my bunny 🐰💕
u should thank me for saving u from embarrassing urself in front of my brother -.-

"Hyung, stop texting me and talk to me personally, please"

1 new message notification

Jung Jaehyun
Active 1 hour ago

Doyoung: You don't want me texting you.

Doyoung: Then let's talk here.

This time it's Jaehyun's turn to pull Doyoung inside his car. Jae's in the driver seat while his bunny sat beside him.

"For you" Jaehyun while giving the bouquet of tulips to his boyfriend.

Doyoung just stared at the flowers and lightly smiled remembering his dead parents who he just visited yesterday.

more or less than 5 chapters and this epistolary will be finished 😊

dont forget to vote and comment

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