SC 001

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omg last chapter got 40+ votes so fast! im shookdt! btw, this is the continuation from dojae's convo on chapter 65.

Jung Jaehyun
Active Now

Jaehyun: drop the 'mr. president' and call me jaehyun

Jaehyun: so mind sharing me your dojae story? 😊

Doyoung: 😳😳😳

Jaehyun: i was just kidding! lolz

Jaehyun: but you can share it to me if you're ready 😉

Doyoung: i'll think about that 😅

Jaehyun: can i ask you a question?

Doyoung: oh um sure?

Jaehyun: do you perhaps like me?

Doyoung: huh? 👀

Jaehyun: do you have feelings for me? when you barely know me?

Doyoung: do i say the truth or lie?

Jaehyun: truth please

Doyoung: uhm

Doyoung: maybe

Doyoung: i do(?) haha

Doyoung: oh my gosh this is so awkward

Jaehyun: why me?

Doyoung: wAIT— are u homophobic?

Jaehyun: what makes you think that? lolz

Doyoung: because ur asking me questions like that. if you're uncomfortable, i can stop chatting you 🙂

Jaehyun: you know what, i'm going to tell you a secret, not really a secret but a few know this

Doyoung: okay?

Jaehyun: i'm gay 😉

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