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Nancy Jewel Mcdonie
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Nancy: Omg! Hi jaejae, it's been such a long time ☺️

Jaehyun: hey nannan!

Nancy: I missed u! :(

Jaehyun: me too

Nancy: How are you doing?

Jaehyun: well, im fine! are u staying in korea for good?

Nancy: Yep ^^

Nancy: Why,you don't want me to? :3

Jaehyun: it's not like that, i'm just happy we'll see each other for a long time

Nancy: Tsk smooth talker as always, huh? ;)

Jaehyun: no i'm not 😅

Jaehyun: btw, where will u study now?

Nancy: My dad enrolled me in NCT University

Jaehyun: really? that's where i study!

Nancy: That must be fate! ❤️

Jaehyun: can't wait to tour u here and meet my friends

Nancy: Yeah, me too. I'll transfer next week fyi.

Nancy: Anyways, i heard ur in a relationship?

Jaehyun: oh

Jaehyun: uhm

Jaehyun: i guess? hehez

Nancy: Whom?

Jaehyun: secret

Nancy: You must be kidding me, jaejae

Nancy: I stalked your profile and saw his face all over your timeline.

Nancy: I'm shocked u did fall in love with a man. He's cute btw.

Jaehyun: i know

Nancy: But i'm more shocked that u did fall in love with that kind of man. he's nowhere your type.

Jaehyun: pardon?

Nancy: Not to be rude jaejae, but he doesn't suit you. you're to good for him.

Jaehyun: do you know what you're talking about? you're crazy.

Nancy: Do your parents know this?

Jaehyun: why do you care?

Nancy: Looks like they don't ;)

Nancy: They talked to me yesterday and told me how much you missed me when i left

Jaehyun: that was in the past, nancy.

Nancy: I still have the ring you gave to me before i left korea

Jaehyun: throw it 😒

Nancy: I know that you still love me, Jaehyun.

Jaehyun: oh shut up! i used to love you but that was when we were children.

Jaehyun: stop nancy. please.

Jaehyun: don't ruin our friendship.

Jaehyun: i love kim doyoung

Jaehyun: so back off.

Jung Jaehyun logged out.

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