"Your always welcome marco"

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Holy shit
99th part..
Next part is the 100th one..


Stars POV

Now..where is Mr Diaz? I thought searching everywhere..but no avail..Were does this man even go?..I thought..but I heard some sniffling..I walked towards the noise..it's coming from..

Marcos room..?

I peek at the corner of his room..he is just sitting there..holding what seems to be a photo..and crying..Sigh..I really hate seeing him like this.."...Marco?" I said entering his room..but no response..just the sound of him crying..I Sigh and sit next to him on the bed.."Marco.." I muttered softly..he was looking at a photo of him and his dad smiling..when Marco was a new born baby.."..This is the only time..I saw my dad smile at me.." Marco said wiping his tears..

"Marco..I..I am sure..that can happen again.." I said rubbing his back..but his eyes were covered with his brown hair.."I don't think that will happen any time soon.." he muttered.."Marco..if there is one thing I know about dads..it's that..they will always love you..even if they don't show it..they're just..afraid..if losing you.." I said gently smiling but Marco still kept a frown "..I think he's losing me even more by doing that..and I am losing him too..but I am trying I really am..but how many things I try..I just can't..I am not good enough..for him.." he said his hands going through his messy hair..crying a bit

"Then..he's not good enough for you..Marco..you showed me a lot of things..so much different things..so much different people..you made my life..different..and I think it's the same for him too.." I said putting my hand over his..I felt his hand squeeze my hand.."Prin- Star..do you really think he feels like that..?" He said looking into my eyes..I smiled "I course he does..! But..You should go ask for him self.." I slightly giggle..Marco give me a quick hug

"Thanks princess.."

"Your always welcome..Marco"

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