"Who the hell are you guys?"

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Buffrog's POV (Idk how to spell his name so forgive me)

"Master ludo..there's still no sign of where star butterfly anywhere" I said doing a salute..Ludo groaned "Argh! I will never get the wand at this rate! Go search in the butterfly castle once more!"

"But sir, She could also be on another dimension?" I said bored..Ludo scoffed

"Excuse me! Are you back answering me?!"

What does it look like? I thought rolling my eyes..I sighed "No sir,Sorry..I'll check there right now.." I said with no emotion and headed to butterfly castle..

Stars POV

"D-do you want to go to the Diaz's house day after tomorrow..?" I said shyly..mom and dad looked at each other..

"Star we-"

"I know..your going to say no..but..please can you just make a compromise..just once..?" I said with pleading eyes.."Star..we weren't going to say no.." My mom said smiling..my eyes widened..I lifted my head up to face my mother.."Are you okay..?" I said in disbelief..Mom and dad let out a chuckle "Well..we kinda planned visiting them..and I wanted to see how my baby is doing!..And we also wanted to see what earths like.." Dad said smiling widely..My eyes shined out of excitement.

"Really?! I'll tell Mrs Diaz..oh wait she already knows..umm..I'll tell Marco! Oh..wait that.." I said as my smile turned into a frown..My parents noticed this "Star are you okay..?" My mom said as her expression sadden..I let out a small smile.."No I am fine..but I should be going..!" I said walking away slowly.."Okay..see you soon!" They said waving..I wave back..and opened a portal on earth

Buffrog's POV

Earth..so I was correct she was in a different dimension! Suck it boss! I thought smirking then opened a portal to ludos castle

"Sir, Stars located in Earth"

"Oh okay then what the heck are you waiting for?! Let's go you nut heads!" Ludo said pointing to his monster army..

I sighed and opened the portal to earth

Before you knew it we were looking at a Mexican styled house..(Btw it's Marcos house)

All the monsters lost their balance and fell on top of each other..making a loud noise..

"Gah all of you are losers! Get up all of yo-"

"Who the hell are you guys?"

I apologize for the late update..it's cause my mom took my iPad from me

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