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Fun fact about the pineapple queen: She hates the PInEapple apple pen song..it's mocking the pineapple kind

Marcos POV

What the- Where am I? And why is everything so dark?!

In your brain genius..

And why am I inside my brain?!

Well..if you freak out like that or break down..you'll quickly shut down your body..that only makes the transformation grow..

Oh god..not what this fucking bullshit again! Wait-where's star?

"Did I do this to him..? Is this why he yelled at me..because he was in pain?"

Star..? No..You would never..

Do I need to remind you that you can't talk to her? You're unconscious

Shut it-

I felt a hand over mine on my physical body..Star..

"This..this is all my fault..ain't it Marco..?"

No it isn't! It's my fault..for..For forcing you..

I felt Star hold my hand tighter has her hand shivered..and a few tear drops fell on my hand which was on hers..

I can't take it anymore..I can't hear her crying anymore..! I feel so fucking weak..I want to help her..I want to hold her..but I fucking can't!

Well..sometimes hearing people crying is better than seeing them in pain..isn't it

Goddamnit it.why can't you leave me alone..Why can't I have a normal life for once?! I just want to be happy..I want to make her happy..but look where it got me! I am trapped with an arm with my own DAMN mind!

Happiness is just a distraction from sadness..there is no actual happiness in this god forsaken world..why do you think this world is so fucked up?

"I casted the spell on you..I-i should have known..this..this is all my fault..Now..now I can't even tell you that I..i-"

"..I love you.."

She..loves me..SHE LOVES ME?!

Gah shit..Love is a weakness to us..I'll be back Diaz..

What wait the fuc-

I opened my eyes instantly and shot up from the bed panting..and saw star crying with her head on the bed.."E-erm..star?" I said softly..shaking her she lifted her head to look at me..her eyes widen as she tackled me in a hug.."Star..I am still in a monster form" I said trying not to hug back..it may hurt her..she just hugged me tighter. "Monster or not..I'll still love you.." She said softly against my chest..my heart might break out of my rib cage at this point.."L-love m-me?" I said gulping..Star pulled away from the hug

She had a serious look on her face..she cupped both of my checks..I just looked confused "Star..what are you..doin?"

"I love you" She said with a tint of gleam in her eyes..my eyes widened..I blushed red.."I..just like a friend right?" I said looking away sadly.

"No..more than a friend..I love you Diaz..And that's why..

I am leaving for mewni.."

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