"Have I got to know the real you?"

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Just a heads up
From this point this fanfic will turn a little
..Sad and depressing
So prepare for the tissue boxes
Or if you're a heartless creature guess you don't need those
Let's get right into it!

Stars POV

"Anyway I am really excited to met your parents day after tomorrow star!"

Oh no no nO NO!

"I completely forgot!" I said running my finger through my hair..Marco looked like he was fed up with all the things that were happening.."Marco.my room. NOW!" I said dragging Marco by the back of his hoodie to my room.."Geez star..I never thought you were so intimate-" Marco said smirking but I cut him off "NOWS NOT THE TIME DIAZ!"

"Okay..okay" Marco said scared..we went inside my room..I quickly closed the door behind me.."Okay princess..what the heck do you want to talk about?" Marco said with a dead pan expression..I stomped angrily towards my bed and sat myself down I sighed "..you know exactly what I want to talk about" I said resting my chin on my hand..Marco rolled his eyes.."Its about your parents isn't?..So what? Are we gonna hide them from my mom and dad? I don't think so.." Marco said sarcastically..

"Agh No god-! Marco..the thing is..I haven't told my parents yet.." I said looking down..Marco just scoffed "Oh really? That's such big news! I think I am going to cry!" Marco said..not..jokingly..I stood up from my bed "..What the heck is your problem Marco?!..What's up with you today?" I said sadly..Marco just glared "Oh..oh! What's up with me?! WHATS UP WITH ME?! YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME A SINGLE SHIT ABOUT YOUR FAMILY AND WHERE YOU EVEN FUCKING CAME FROM YOU TOLD ME ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! UNTIL NOW!" He said yelling at me.."Marco..I told you about it-"

"NO YOU JUST TOLD ME! I DON'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW WHAT YOUR PARENTS LOOK LIKE..I DON'T EVEN THINK YOUR FROM SOME STUPID DIMENSION AT THIS POINT!..I-I.." Marco lost his words as he saw me crying.."..Star I..I..I am sorry..I got carried away.." Marco said reaching out for me but I yank his hand away.."What's wrong with me?! Well everything's wrong Diaz! Everything!..and..I..Your the only one I ever trusted enough to tell you enough about the real me..but the question is Marco..

...Have I got to know the real you? You practically keep your past h-hidden from me! And I told you..I told you can tell me when you want..but..guess what..you didn't..you didn't tell me anything! That shows you don't trust me..you don't trust me at all!" I said through tears..my voice cracking..why does this feel like..

The first time we met..
Are our problems just rising..? Just like we met..?

Are we both the problem..?

I thought looking at Marco..he was silent..he just stared hopelessly.."I knew it..I knew you didn't really care..you just wanted to use me..like everybody else..calling me names..falling for your stupid tricks..you're just like everybody else..you're just like..just like..everybody.." I said breaking down crying..

"Star..get out.." Marco said his eyes covered by his hair..I felt my heart shattering "Why Marco?!Why do you have to make this so hard?! Why can't we just be happy?! Why..?" I said my voice was fading.."Star..I am serious..get out.." Marco said coming closer to me..but I didn't move I refuse to..I refuse to let him go.."No Marco tell me why?! Tell me!"
I said shaking at this point..Marco looked up at me..his eyes were..golden? He growled and pushed me out of the door and slammed it closed..and this point I couldn't stop crying if I tried..

Somebody please help... me

Marcos POV

I slammed the door shut..and I suddenly felt tears trickling down my face..what's happened to me..?! Why am I hurting her..Why..why?! I thought plopping on the ground and running my hands through my hair

We met again,Diaz

..Monster arm

Well..I had a tough time writing that..

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