Jealous much?

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Marcos POV

I got ready and headed down stairs..and saw Star waiting near the door "Hey princess!" I said running towards her..she sighed in relief "Finally! Now come on we're already late.." Star said grabbing my wrist.."Bu-"

"No buts!" She said opening the door and running..dragging me in the process..well..I guess no breakfast then..sorry mom..

Mrs Diaz's POV

"Hey kids I got-"

Oh..they left..I worked so hard on this breakfast..


Marcos POV

Star was taking me somewhere..which is not school because I knew the route..I sigh and I looked at the time on my watch "Star it's 7:23, there's still time..we could of ate breakfast.." I said sadly..Star just giggled.."We are not going to school you dummy.." She said whispering.."What the- Star?! Where are we going?!' This was not like star at all..breaking all the rules..maybe

..I am a bad influence..

Okay Marco stop overacting..there's a catch-

"We're here Marco~" Star said letting go of my arm..I looked around and saw Oscar and Janna..


And they were standing behind a cave "W-wha..? What are we doing here star..what are they doing here?" I said looking around..Janna smacked my chest "Oh grow up Marco..take it easy!"Janna said smirking..Oscar walked over to me "Janna..what did I say about hitting people?!" He said comforting me.."Oscar it's alright..but what are we doing here.." I said looking everywhere "Oh..I found this cave while strolling around with Tom-"

"Okay.Hold up. Tom?! When did you start hanging out with him?" Star said folding her arms..janna chuckled nervously.."Yeah..after the dance after SOMEONE threw me out" Janna said glaring at Oscar..Oscar glared back.."Its not my fault that you kept disturbing everyone.." Oscar scoffed..Janna scoffed back..I really wonder sometimes that they are siblings.."Anyway..we were walking around and found this cave..and I thought it was pretty fucking cool we are" well..this is better than school so..

"But..why are you hanging out with Tom?" Star said in a dark tone.."I thought he was cool..what's your problem star? I thought you were my friend?...Jealous much..?"

Me and Oscar looked at each other

Marcos and Oscars POV

Shits about to go down..

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