Chapter 5 - The Unfortunate Truth

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I start the day off as usual. I wake up, make my bed, wake up Jack, go get ready, and prepare something for lunch. After everything was done, I slipped my backpack over my shoulder and waited for Jack. Even though I don't attend school with him, he always liked to walk with me to school. Sometimes, he even talked about attending my school, but I didn't want him to. Not because I was embarrassed of him, but I just think he's too kind for public school. He's not used to the bullies and the popular kids that seek out people to hurt. I'm pretty sure he still thinks everyone on this earth is kind. After all, he's only met me and my family and I'd like to say we're pretty nice. I walked out the door, with Jack following me, closed the door behind us and continued walking. 

Jack looked over at me, a smile on his face. "Hey Celia, what are you planning to do at school today?" I chuckled softly. He always asked me this question with such excitement of what I would do. I don't think he gets that every day is the same old story. "Jack, I have the same classes each day, I've already told you that. Nothing new will happen, except that I'll eat a newly made lunch. If anything exciting were to happen, you know I'd tell you." I smiled up at him. He was about a couple inches taller than me, seeing as I was 5"4 and he was 5"11, almost 6 feet pretty soon, I always found myself looking up at him. He playfully put his arm around me and chuckled. "What? Can't I be interested in your same old boring routine?" He joked. 

He let go and we continued walking again. I suddenly remembered something. "Oh yeah, we are having a small band recital for friends and family today. Of course, you're invited. I have one flute solo that lasts for about 10 seconds or so. That's all that's new." I shrugged. Jack smiled. "I'll be dancing throughout your entire solo, cheering and clapping at the same time." He told me, acting all serious when in reality I knew he was joking. "You will not." I commanded. "Alright, fine. I'll just do it in my head." I started laughing along with Jack. Our conversations were like this all the time and I never grew tired of it. It was so fun to have someone like this around you all the time, keeping you happy and upbeat. We continued walking in silence, just peacefully enjoying each other's existence. We didn't know the meaning of awkward silence. To be honest, nothing with us was awkward because we're best friends. 

Jack looked up at the sky and sighed, pushing some hair out of his face. "It's so pretty.." He commented, smiling brightly. I noticed his eyes were glistening and I took the opportunity to say, "Your eyes match with the sky." I looked up with him, still walking and keeping a fast pace with Jack. Jack looked back down at me, a bit surprised at my compliment, but in a good way. He smiled at me. "And your eyes look like emeralds. You're so sweet, Celia." After that, we just continued to walk in silence, just looking up at the sky and taking quick glances at each other. It was so serene and peaceful, to me. And hopefully Jack thought so too. 

I was so lost in the beautiful pattern of the sky, I didn't even notice we had arrived at my school until Jack nudged me gently. "We're here." He said. I looked over at Jack and smiled, snapping out of my sky trance. "Thanks!" I tightened the straps on my backpack and slowly started to walk up the stairs. That's when I almost forgot. I turned around and hopped down from the stairs and looked back at Jack, seeing him a little dejected. He hated when I went to school. He was always bored at home and he had told me he liked spending time with me and even wanted to come to school with me. Although, as I mentioned before, I don't think he'd fare well at school with everything that happens daily. I smiled slightly, looking up at him. "I'll see you in a couple hours." I told him, wanting to make him feel better somehow.

He kept looking at the building, totally dejected. I could tell. I looked at him, sympathetically. "I wish you could come with me, Jack." I broke the silence that engulfed us. He looked down at me, smiling gratefully. "I wish I could too, Celia. That would be a dream come true." He smiled. He always told me he wanted to come to school, but I think it would be better for him to stay home. However so, I felt bad. I didn't want to crush his dream (he's a little dramatic at times) but I just want to look out for his best interest. Besides, he'd be so bored. "I know you think that being with me is better than being home alone, but it's not. This school isn't as great as you think, Jack. You'd be better off at home." I told him. 

Jack looked at me, a little bit offended. "What are you trying to say?" His eyes widened. "Are you saying I shouldn't go to school because I'm imaginary?" My eyes widened. "No, no, Jack that's not what I meant!" I cried. "I know, is hard when you're imaginary. You can't do anything. You can't hang out with people because none of them see you, and I guess now you can't even be with your best friend, the only person that can actually see you and acknowledge your existence, for the day." He hugged his arm, looking down at the ground. This went way out of turn. "Jack, no, wait! Listen, I-" "Celia, I'm sorry. You did nothing wrong. You've already told me that school isn't good and now I know why, and I understand. It's fine..I'll see you after school." He managed to muster up a smile, but I could tell that he was still a little hurt. 

I still felt bad for him, even though he said it wasn't my fault. I didn't say anything, but it'd be hard also because he's imaginary for him to attend school. Nobody would see him, and people would think I'm crazy if I talked with him and things along those lines. Still, did I have to let him go? I knew I did. I nodded. "Bye, Jack." I waved to him. He started to walk away, that painful smile disappearing. 

Thanks a lot, school.

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