Chapter 28 - Celia's Bonding

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I woke up bright and early, completely ready to go to school today. This was the day where I would finally end Quinn's torment of Celia. I don't know how I would do it, but I promised Celia that, as long as I was real, I would take care of her and protect her. This is how she needed to be protected. Quinn has started ruining her life, and that little wench is finally going to get what she deserves! Well, until I figure out exactly what she deserves. 

What do I do? What do I say? Do I confront her? That didn't really work last time, that just got Quinn more heated which led to this Celia-getting-her-scholorship-revoked mess. Do I tell a teacher? Nah, they probably wouldn't believe the weird new transfer student that sometimes randomly switches to an Italian accent when asked a question in math class. Hey, I can't help it, I'm not as smart as Celia! I don't know how to solve all those complicated equations. Seriously, now they started adding letters in math? That's just messed up. Anyway, back to Celia!

I want to do everything in my power to protect her and help her with this whole situation, but I'm just afraid I might screw it up again. Maybe I wouldn't go to Quinn directly. Maybe I could find some other way to expose her and her evil deeds so that everybody would believe me, I could get Celia's scholarship and position on the school newspaper back, and she would love and kiss me for being her knight in shining armor! I really hope that last part happens. 

I ran down the stairs at full speed, sliding down the banister on the last few steps. "Hey Celia, I figured out what we can do-" I stopped dead in my tracks as I looked up at Celia's mother pouring coffee into her mug. My eyes widened as I blinked at her and she blinked at me. The coffee cup was now overflowing. 

Maday, maday. 

"What is it, Ja-" Celia came walking out of the downstairs bathroom into this very awkward situation. "Oh my god. Mom. Jack. Oh my god." She repeated, her eyes just as wide as mine and her mom's. Her mom finally noticed that the coffee was spilling all over the floor and the counter, so she set it down with a bang. "Celia. What is the meaning of this? Why was Jack upstairs this early in the morning?" I think I'm actually going to die right here in Celia's house. "Mom, I can explain. It really wasn't anything and you don't need to worry-" Celia was interrupted by her mother's death glare. "Jack, out." "Yep." I obeyed her mother's command and yeeted myself out of the house, slamming the door behind me. 

Oh my god, I wished I was imaginary two minutes ago. 

Celia's POV

I couldn't believe it. My mother saw Jack. Coming down the stairs. In our house. Oh my goodness. "Mom, I can explain everything." I breathed, honestly scared out of my mind. Even though I did nothing wrong! "Celia, sit down on that couch, I need to talk to you." I took a couple steps towards the couch and obeyed, sitting down promptly. My mother sat down right next to me. I braced myself for a good half hour of getting yelled at and probably never ever being able to speak to Jack again.

But, instead of yelling at me, she just inhaled and sighed really loudly. I couldn't tell if she was prepping herself for the yell-session or what. "Celia, I've been wanting to talk to you about this for a long, long time now but I've never known just how to phrase it. But, after seeing what I saw today and observing for years, I know what I have to say...and what I should have told you a long time ago." I tilted my head and looked at my mom who had her head in her hands. "What is it?" I asked, tentatively. My mom looked back up at me and took my hands and squeezed them tightly. "Years ago, when I was a young girl around your age, I was very lonely. I was in school and I didn't have many friends, except for one. He was my best friend, we would always be with each other and hanging around one another." I listened to her story with a smile. Her story sounded a lot like me and Jack. 

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