Chapter 9 - The Shocker

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I woke up, not on the couch, but in my bed. Last night, Jack must've carried me into my bedroom. "Jack?" I asked, looking around. He wasn't here. Sometimes, he falls asleep on the couch. I sighed, getting out of bed, walking out of my bedroom. I walked into the living room, looking for Jack. He wasn't on the couch or any chair.

He was nowhere in sight. I sighed, thinking he just went out for the night. I started to clean up the mess that we had made from last night, yawning a bit. "Jack, you just had to insist on not using a coaster." I growled, picking up his drink. "Sorry, Celia, it was just so far away." I heard a voice from behind me laugh.

Yep, that was Jack. But he sounded different. Not like when he was sick, but he sounded more clear, as if it was like a real person talking. I brushed off that thought. "Yeah, you're a bit lazy, sugar." I scolded him. I heard him yawn, rather loudly. "Yeah, I won't deny it."

Okay, something was wrong with his voice. Did he secretly drink last night? I don't think drinking affects the voice in the morning and makes it sound clear, does it? I have no idea, I've never gotten drunk or even had a drink containing something alcoholic.

Whatever, I'll just turn around and notice if there's anything else different about him. I turned around, slowly. I looked down at his feet, his legs, his chest, his eyes, and his hair. My eyes widened. What was I seeing? I was seeing Jack, but he was different. He was..


"Jack..?" I whispered. Jack looked at me, his eyes brighter than I could ever imagine. "Are you okay, Celia?" He asked. I covered my mouth with my hand. "No, no, no.." I walked up to him, reaching my hands out to him. Usually, when I touched him, it was like I was touching air. 

I reached out and touched his chest, trying to ignore the fact that I was blushing. Jack blushed, extremely uncomfortable. "W-What are y-you doing?" He stuttered. "Don't worry, I'm not checking you out." I rolled my eyes. Although, I had to admit, feeling his chest was pretty weird.

I looked back into Jack's eyes. I stumbled backwards, tripping over the table leg. I let out a yelp and prepared to hit the ground, before Jack caught me in his arms. I blushed even more. What was this turning into!? I looked into his eyes, yet again. "Why are you real? How are you real?" 

" little something. I lied. Last night, I didn't have a headache, it was another pill. No, not a drug. While I was walking home yesterday from dropping you off at school, I met this man. He was imaginary, like me. He knew things about me, and about you! He guessed our names before I could tell him! He gave me this small, white pill that he said would make me real, and I took it, and I'm real!" He told me, all in one breath. 

He started huffing a little, out of breath. I looked back up at him. "Why would you take a mysterious pill from a stranger?" I asked him. "I don't know, it just felt right!" I groaned, putting my head in my hands, pulling my hair.

"What are we going to do? My mom is going to wake up and see this teenage boy standing in her living room with her daughter!" I yelled. As Jack's eyes widened, a door creaked open. "Celia, honey? Why do I hear shouting?" Speak of the devil.

"Go, go!" I whisper-yelled at Jack, shoving him into the closet. I pushed him in, slamming the door shut. Soon enough, my mom walked downstairs in her bright, blue robe. I casually put my hand up against the closet, giving her an awkward smile. 

"Heeeey mom! What's up? How was the get together?" I asked. She smiled. "It went well. Why did I hear shouting? It sounded like someone was in here." She looked around. The closet started to open a bit. I slammed the door shut again, trying to make it look like I fell against it.

"Nope! No one here besides me!" I lied, smiling a toothy grin. My mother eyed my suspiciously, her eyebrows raised. "Okay..well, I'm going to wash up, go ahead and get ready for school, hon." She yawned, walking over to her bathroom, shutting the door.

I sighed, opening the closet. "You need to get ready and then get out of here, Jack. You'll have to come to school with me today." His eyes lit up as he pumped his fist into the air. "YES!" He yelled. I slapped my hand over his mouth, my eyes widening. "" I whispered.

He nodded, removing my hand. When he touched my hand, it felt so different. It felt nice. I took my hand back, rushing him to the bathroom. "Now, you need shampoo, conditioner, soap, and-" "Alright, Celia, relax. I was only imaginary, doesn't mean I don't know how to use soap."

I chuckled. "Okay, I guess I am being pretty harsh on you. But you got to understand, this whole ordeal is pretty shocking to me. I're suddenly real! Due to some random pill you took." I sighed. He nodded. "I know, but Celia.." He smiled down at me. "Maybe this was just meant to be." 

I blushed as he winked at me. "Now get out, perv, I don't want you to watch me showering, even though I am pretty attractive and dangerously handsome!" Jack pushed his hair back, modeling for me. I snorted, pushing him into the bathroom, letting him close and lock the door.

I started walking back at my room, looking down at the floor. What was going to happen? He's real now, and he can come to school. How am I going to get him in? He'll have to be some sort of transfer student. We'll make up a story soon. I sighed, collapsing onto my bed.

Dear god, this is going to be a pretty interesting day.

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