Chapter 26 - Jack's Comfort

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She fainted right into my arms. My angel..who could've done this to her? When I find the culprit, I'll make them pay. But right now I have to focus on helping my angel. I got up and held her bridal style, running out of the school. I pushed my way past the confused kids strewn about all over the place in the cliques and groups. "Out of the way!" I screamed as they quickly jumped out of my way, shocked looks on their faces as they looked at the fallen Celia in my arms. I heard some gasps, whispers, and a couple people saying, "Oh my gosh.." I ran out of the school and almost fell down the stairs. I kept running as the wind fought me, pushing me back. I kept fighting it, though. "Hang on, Celia." I felt tears coming on. Crap, Jack, not here, not now. Celia needs you.

I continued to run as the weather worsened. I could tell it was going to rain soon. I needed to get to Celia's house now. I couldn't even fish for my phone in my pocket out of fear that I'd drop her. I just kept running as fast as my legs would carry me. I was panting, huffing, completely out of breath. Somehow, I kept going. I guess my love for Celia will drive me to run anywhere. As I was running, I felt a hand grip on my shirt. "J-Jack..?" A weak voice whispered. I looked down to see Celia, pale and weak, looking up at me. "Celia! I'm taking you home now, don't worry! You're going to be fine." I shouted, my voice shaky. Celia let a small smile spread across her face and her grip tightened. For some reason, feeling her lean her head against my chest made me feel emotional. How did I ever run away from this girl? How did I ever yell at her? I can only love her. "I love you, Celia." I whispered.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of endless running, we reached our street. I pushed my way past the neighbors mowing the lawn, walking their dogs, and getting the mail. They all quickly stood to the side and looked at Celia with the same shocked faces that the kids at school had. I quickly ran to her house and slammed the door open, then quickly slammed it shut. I gently lowered Celia onto the couch and went to open all the windows, almost slamming myself up against the blinds. I opened all the windows to let sunlight in, then ran to the kitchen. I opened up pretty much ever cabinet and drawer looking for drinking glasses. Finally, I found them in the cabinet in the upper right-hand corner. I took out a glass and turned the water on, filling it up. "Come on, come on." I sighed. I turned the water off and ran back to Celia. "Celia, honey, drink this." She fluttered her eyes open and looked at the glass of water I had in hand. She took it and took a sip of it. She sighed, catching her breath. 

"Jack.." She coughed a little, sitting up. I put my hand on her back and my other hand over hers. 
"Celia, you need to rest. You fainted right into my arms at school." Her eyes went wide. "School! Oh my gosh.." I could tell she was getting stressed again, so I quickly let her lay down again. "Shh, it's okay, you can tell me later. I don't want you to feel anymore stress, okay?" Celia nodded at me and laid her head down on the couch. She squeezed my hand and smiled at me. "Jack, thank you. I don't know what I would've done without you." She smiled. I smiled back, squeezing her hand. "You can always count on me, Celia." We both looked at each other for a minute and then both broke out in a smile. I got up and covered Celia with a blanket. "I'll put something on. How about we watch a Disney movie?" I suggested. 

Celia's eyes sparkled and she almost sat upright again, but I suggested she lay down by gently directing her back down on the couch. I could tell she was excited. She absolutely loved Disney movies, as did I. It was one of the many things we had in common. "That would be great! But, which one?" She asked. I thought of the hundreds of animated movies Disney had produced, putting my finger to my chin. I could tell she was doing the same thing by the look on her face. My eyes widened. "Aha!" I cried aloud, like a scientist that had just had a breakthrough. Celia looked at me in surprise. I smiled down at her. "What about Tangled?" I asked. Celia gasped and nodded, clapping her hands together. "Perfect! I love everything about that movie. The magical hair, the frying pans, Pascal, and the romantic scene when they're in the boat singing, 'I See The Light!'" She smiled, putting her hands over her heart. 

I giggled and then looked at her, stroking her orange hair. "You know, you remind me a lot of Rapunzel." She smiled and crossed her arms. "How so?" I pretended to think for a long time, but I knew the answer right off the bat. "You're creative, witty, smart, a dreamy, inventive, and beautiful. Your hair is as beautiful as hers too." I told her. A little pink blush spread across her cheeks and she let out the sweetest giggle. "Well, you remind me of Eugene. You're both flirty, smart, intelligent, sarcastic, and not to mention, very handsome." I chuckled as I ruffled her hair. "Why thank you! I knew I had what it takes to be a Disney prince." We both chuckled and Celia looked at me, her eyes sparkling. "You're MY prince, Jack." "And you're my princess." We both shared a moment before I went to pop the DVD in. I quickly sat back down at Celia's side, letting her rest her head on my shoulder, my arm around her. "Let the show begin." I smiled.

It wasn't long before the movie was over. Celia and I both were tearing up when Rapunzel reunited with her mother and father and the happy ending that ensued made us clap our hands together and cry out joyously. I switched the TV off and smiled back at Celia. "Feeling better?" She nodded, throwing her blanket off. She definitely looked better. She wasn't as weak or as pale as she was when we left the school. "Yeah." She smiled. I smiled back at her, but then looked down at the ground, suddenly remembering how bad she felt. She was going to tell me the reason later. It's later. I looked at her, twiddling my thumbs together. "Celia..what happened back there? Why did you faint?" I asked her. She looked at me, her eyes big. She sighed and looked down at the ground. 

"I suppose I should tell you the truth, huh?" She chuckled dryly. My eyes widened as I prepared for what she was about to tell me. I lovingly put my hand over hers, squeezing it tightly. "You can tell me anything. I'll always be here for you, Celia." I reminded her. I could tell my words made an impact just by looking at her face. She inhaled before telling me the whole story. Everything about the column, the principal's office, and her scholarship being revoked. After she was finished, I couldn't hold in my tears. I clenched my fists together as daggers formed in my eyes. "Quinn!" I screamed through gritted teeth. I abruptly jumped up from the couch and marched to the front door. "I'm going to give that wench a piece of my mind." I growled, quite evilly. I heard footsteps running towards me as Celia pulled me by the arm. "No! It's my battle to fight, not yours." She blinked. "I don't want you getting hurt by her again." She loosened her grip on me. 

I sighed as I raised my hands up and cupped her cheeks. "Celia, there is nothing that girl can do to hurt me more than if she hurt you. She crossed the line and she will pay. My only purpose in life is to be there for you and protect you. I will not stand by the sidelines while she tortures you." I explained to her. Tears formed in her eyes as I spoke to her with kindness. She smiled while sniffling, touched by my words. I smiled gently before wiping her eyes with my finger. "Don't cry, please." I begged in a whisper. "How can I not? You're just so caring and perfect." Celia giggled. I giggled in response before looking back into her eyes. "This ends now, Celia." I told her. 

She sighed and nodded at me. "I won't stop you." She gently held my hand in hers. I smiled as I put my hand on the back of her head and pulled her into a hug. "I promise I will always protect you, my princess." I smiled. I could hear Celia giggle. "Thank you, my prince."


A/N ~ Hello everybody! Aigoo, it's been a while since I updated on a novel of mine, huh? I sincerely apologize about that! >M< Things have been busy, inspiration has been low, but now I'm finally getting back my writing energy and will try to update a couple books of mine. Thank you for being so patient in waiting for updates, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Imaginary Friend. Stay kawaii and bye for now! ^W^

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