Chapter 27 - A Moment of New Love

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Even though Jack wanted to go out right away and exact revenge on Quinn and her little pea-brained friends for me, school was over and he didn't know where Quinn lived. So, we resorted to just staying inside and hanging out. We had to finish up our homework anyways, but when we reached the third question, Jack got stuck, got frustrated, and proceeded to throw our homework and schoolbags outside. Again. Thankfully, I went out and grabbed it before any wild moose could have gotten to it. I shut the door and looked back at Jack as he was laughing up a storm. "Sorry, Celia, I just really hate homework." He apologized, running his fingers through his hair. 

"It's fine, Jack. I hate homework too." I laughed as I set our backpacks down on the floor. "I guess we can finish our homework later. What do you want to do now?" I asked him. I was expecting Jack to do that thing where he pretended to stroke his non-existent beard while thinking and then suggest watching a movie or playing a game, but he didn't do that. Instead he just looked solemnly down at the floor. I furrowed my eyebrows a little, scooting closer to him. "What's wrong, Jack?" I asked him, knowing something was up. Jack turned to look at me and then sighed. "I'm sorry, CeCe, it's just that...I can't stop thinking about Quinn and what she did to you. I want to get her back but I don't even know what to do. I'm afraid if I try anything, she might hurt you again, but if I don't do anything it could all just get worse." He huffed.

I placed my hand over Jack's and looked into his eyes. "You don't have to do anything, Jack. It's enough to know that you want to help, but I don't want her to hurt you too. You're too important to me." I told him. His cobalt eyes started to sparkle. I can't believe how his eyes look like actual gems. "I do have to do something. You're the girl I love, Celia. I have to defend you and protect you. As long as I'm real-" The words seemed to stab him in the heart, but he kept going. "As I'm real...I promise to protect you." He smiled and squeezed my hands tightly. I blinked back tears from my eyes. I chuckled and hugged him tightly. "What did I do to deserve you?" I smiled. I felt his strong arms wrap around me and squeeze me tight. "I find myself wondering that same thing every day about you. How did I get blessed with an amazing girl like you?" I felt my cheeks heat up and buried my face in his shirt. "You're too sweet!" I screamed, the sound muffled. 

He just laughed the cutest laugh and stroked my hair. "You're sweeter." He hummed in a sing-song voice. I could tell that he was trying to smother me in compliments. I got up to look him in the eyes, smiling at him. "Thanks, cobalt boy." I nicknamed him after his startling eyes. He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. "If you're going to call me cobalt boy than I should start calling you emerald girl." I blushed. That would actually be really cute. "O-Only if you want." I stuttered. He just giggled and ruffled my hair. "I'm so glad we're in this kind of relationship now. I can call you beautiful, sweet, amazing, gorgeous, and I get to hug and kiss you all the time. This is awesome!" He yelled like a little kid. I laughed. "If I had known that's how you really felt about me, we would've gotten together a lot sooner." His eyes became wide when I said that. "What do you mean?" He asked me, sitting up. 

"W-Well, I didn't know it yet, but I recently discovered that I actually liked you too." I admitted. "I just didn't tell you because I thought you wouldn't want to date me." Jack looked at me. "Are you kidding? Celia, I loved you from day one. If I would've known how you felt, I would've confessed a long, long time ago too." He confessed. I chuckled like a schoolgirl. "Wow...we loved each other for even longer than we've been dating." I remarked. Jack nodded, putting his arm around me, turning my head to look at him. "All that matters is that we both know our true feelings for one another now. Although, I have to say, I fall in love with you a little bit more every day." This boy is going to kill me. I blushed up at him before awkwardly giggling. "W-What am I supposed to say to that? Gosh, Jack, you're going to slowly kill me with your sweetness and charms!" I buried my head in my hands. He just laughed. 

I could tell this was the start of a beautiful new relationship between me and Jack.

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