Chapter 2 - Jack

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My name is Jack Parker. I am 16 years old, 17 next month. I have dark hair, blue eyes, and a slim figure, if I may say. I live in Canada, A.K.A the best place in the world because there's moose and maple syrup and the people there say "ey" a lot. I like anime and manga and I don't care if people call me a weeb, I love anime and manga and will never give it up. I'm also best friends with Ms. Celia Schwartz who is the best person on the face of the earth. She's really kind and creative and just the best friend I could ever have. Along with all that, I forgot to mention that I'm imaginary! Yeah, I'm imaginary. So what? That doesn't mean I'm some sort of freak or scary person. Even though I'm imaginary, I'm still a good friend to Celia, I'm a good person, and I would never hurt or do anything bad to anyone. I seriously think most people have a misconception of imaginary friends and what they're all about. 

Most people may see imaginary friends as ways for people to cope when they have no friends and are lonely. They also could see them as a way to deal with hard trials and tribulations in your life so you can talk to someone when your day has been rough and have nobody else to talk to. Other people see imaginary friends as companions to young children whose imaginations run wild, and even though the children profess these companions will be their best friends forever, they're often outgrown in a couple months or years. People can also go the other way and say that instead of imaginary friends being helpful to people through tough times and kind companions, instead they're scary and horrifying figures that directors make horror movies from. They can imagine them as creepy, unknown beings that come into your room and kidnap you in the night.

Yeah, that's not it at all. From my experience in being an imaginary person, you're born just like everyone else but you're born imaginary. You're just like everyone else, you grow up in a regular family and live regular lives. The only difference is that you're not a normal part of society because people can't see you. I don't even know why we exist, but we do. I don't even know what the reason for us is, and I don't know if I'll ever find out. For me, I have two differences to people. I can't be seen by anyone except for Celia, and I never grew to knew my parents. Deep down, I really want to know who my parents are and some things about my past, but I know that could never happen, right? I don't know anything about the imaginary people except for basic knowledge such as we're obviously born, and other people can't see us. I don't even know how Celia can see me, but I'm not going to ask. I'm just super happy I was blessed with a great girl like that. Honestly, she's so amazing and kind. She's also really beautiful with her cute ginger hair and emerald eyes..anyways, this doesn't mean I like her like that though, okay? Don't just assume like that because's it's totally not true. Totally. 

Despite the fact that I'm imaginary and there are other real people in the world, Celia spends most of her time with me. She doesn't seem to care what anyone tells her about having an imaginary friend, and hasn't for 9 years. Even though some people find out about her having me as a friend, most people, like her parents and schoolmates, don't know that she has me for a friend and she likes to keep it that way. She tells me she doesn't tell people because even though she doesn't care what people think, they'd give her a hard time and probably make fun of the both of us, which she doesn't want to have to deal with. I definitely don't want anyone making fun of her, so I agree with her decision to not tell people she has me for a friend. But at the same time, it hurts to know that nobody will know I'm her friend. Sometimes, I really wish i were visible. But Celia always tells me it doesn't matter what people think about me and that I'm amazing.  That's what I like about her.  She's an independent, strong, capable girl. Sorry, am I talking too much about her? I just think she's really awesome. She's the only person that's ever talked to me, because she's the only one that can even see me, so that's why I think she's awesome. I've also seen her compared to other people and she wins all the time, in terms of attitude, personality, and beauty. I'm getting off track again. Anyways, yes, I'm her best friend and I'm imaginary.

Even though I'm her only friend and she's my only friend, I don't spend much time with her because of one thing - school. I hate school so much, it's my ultimate enemy. It always takes away my best friend and leaves me home alone, being bored out of my mind. Oh yes, I forgot to mention, since I don't know my family and was living on the streets for some time, I started to live with Celia. Anyways, even though school takes Celia away from me, at least I get to walk her there. We both get up at the same time, get ready, and walk to school together. She stops to go to school and I head home. Celia tells me that because I'm imaginary it would be hard for me to go to school, and because she's never done anything to harm me, I trust her judgment and stay home while she attends school. Although deep down I do want to go to school just to be with Celia all day and to help her out with things like tests and studying. Although I can only imagine what the stone building that's called Emerdale High looks like on the inside. When she escapes from school and finally does come back home after what seems like a lifetime, we usually head somewhere like the movie theaters, the mall, or do other things. If not, I usually help her with homework, or we stay inside and watch a movie. I really enjoy the time I spend with her, and this is how it's been for years and years.

I'm happy with my life like this. Although sometimes, I wish the other people could see me. I want to know more people, even though Celia is the best person on earth, and I just want to be a normal kid. I want to go to school and be able to raise my hand and get called on because the teachers can see me. I want to go to school events and parties that Celia goes to so that I can be with her to help and protect her as well as get to know some of the other kids that go to school with her. I want to be real so that I can protect Celia from all dangers and all dangerous people and actually have a friendship that other people deem as "real." It stinks when people say that Celia has no friends when I'm usually standing right next to her. I'd love for them to just look at me and label me as her best friend. That's really all I could ever ask for. But I don't think that's ever going to happen. I'll just always be the imaginary boy that stays at home to wait for Celia. I'm waiting for her to get home right now. Just a couple more hours. 


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