Chapter 24 - Wearing Off

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I was walking with Celia to class, just enjoying life and enjoying everything around me. Celia was walking next to me too, looking as beautiful as always. There was only one difference to our peaceful walk - we were holding hands! I felt so happy and also flustered and nervous at the same time. The girl I loved is holding my hand and people can see us as a couple now. I was so excited but also a bit scared. Can I live up to Celia's standards of the perfect boyfriend? Would I let her down? I seriously hope not. For now, I'm just going to bask in the bliss of our new relationship. I looked over at Celia and whispered, "Senpai, notice me." Celia turned back, laughing up a storm. We both appreciated the cliche anime sayings, and that was our favorite. It sounded ridiculous when I said it, but I guess that's the point. "You're so random, Jack." Celia chuckled, ruffling my hair. I felt my face go a little red before I felt something else. 

I felt my skin turning paler, and I felt like I was disappearing. We both stopped in our tracks and I looked at Celia to see her eyes wide, a horrified look on her face, and her hands cupped over her mouth. "C-Celia? What is it, what's wrong!?" I yelled, wanting to fix whatever was spooking her. I looked down and realized that what was scaring her was me. I was fading in and out, become visible and invisible.

I was becoming imaginary. 

Come to think of it, I had been feeling some strange things lately, but this was by far the strangest. Now I know that these feelings are the effects of the pill wearing off. The man didn't tell me anything about that! No, I don't want to go. There's still so many things I want to do with Celia while I'm real. I stumbled backwards and lost my footing, falling on my side on the hard concrete sidewalk. "Jack!" Celia screamed and ran towards me. I sat up and faced her, pushing some hair out of my face. I looked back at my hand. It kept fading in and out. Visible, invisible, visible, invisible. Finally, my hand went completely visible and the weird feeling and the dizziness went away. I couldn't even get up, I was still so in shock of what happened. I guess somewhere in my mind I believed I'd stay real forever. But I guess all good things must come to an end. 

I looked back at Celia and slowly stood up. I couldn't let her see me break down, I need to stay strong for her. I looked back at her, letting some hair fall in front of my eyes. "I'm sorry, Celia." Was all I said. "I forgot to tell you..the effects of the pill are wearing off." Celia looked back at me, tears in her eyes. "Jack..what does that mean?" She whispered, looking completely heartbroken. "Does that mean you'll..y-you'll.." Celia looked down, sniffling and trembling. My eyes went wide and I quickly put my hands on her shoulders. "Please don't cry, Celia, everything will be fine!" I pleaded with her, wanting her to feel better. She looked back up at me, sobbing. "How do you know that? How do you know everything will be fine, Jack?" She asked me, tears streaming down her cheeks. 

For some reason, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I lowered my hands from her shoulders and held them up to my face, tears coming through the gaps in my fingers. I could tell Celia was surprised, but I just couldn't take it anymore. I started to sob louder than I ever did before. I had never cried so hard in my life. "I don't know, Celia! I don't know if everything will be okay! Everything could go horribly wrong and I could only have a day left of being visible." I started to shake and tremble, sobbing and crying. "It's not fair, because I love you and want to be visible so that I can protect you and be with you forever! You're never going to want to be with me if I'm imaginary!" I screamed. I stumbled and fell down to my knees on the pavement, shaking and crying. I was so heartbroken that I hadn't even considered if Celia would leave me when I went back to being imaginary. 

Suddenly, I felt a hand on mine. I looked over to see Celia looking at me with more of a calm and sympathetic look than before. "Jack, I've been your best friend for 9 years. I started liking you from the beginning. You know I love you, and when you're visible and invisible, my love for you doesn't change." My eyes went wide at her words. She loves me either way. I felt so happy just to hear her say that. I wanted to just kiss her right then and there. I gently smiled and embraced her in a hug. "And I'll always love you, my red-haired angel." I heard Celia gasp faintly, but then giggle. "No matter what happens, we'll be there for each other, okay?" I sighed, shakily. "I hope so." 

That's when it came back to me. "School! Ack, Celia we'll be late!" I grabbed her hand and ran with her to the school. "Come on!" I yelled. Celia chuckled and ran with me. "I'd never leave a dork like you!" She smiled. I smiled back, feeling really loved. Now, I just have to keep track of when I fade in and out from being visible and imaginary to see how long I have. Hopefully it's not soon...

-----Timeskip to the end of school-----

I waited for Celia to be done with her writing club, just waiting by our lockers with my backpack slung over my shoulder. I looked to my right to see Quinn and her group just hanging out, taking some glances, or should I say glares, at me. I made eye contact with the group and stuck my tongue out at them, smiling smugly. Quinn gasped and walked over angrily to me. I started to regret what I did mainly because I didn't want to even interact with her. "Listen, freak. I thought I humiliated you already, don't make me do it again." She crossed her arms. I shrugged. "Go ahead, I won't be humiliated. I couldn't care less about you or what you do." I told her, looking out into the distance. I could tell I made her mad with that comment. Her boyfriend, Josh, looked right at me with a scary look on his face. "Hey, don't treat my girl that way!" I faked a gasp. "He talks!" I couldn't help from laughing at my own stupid joke. Josh grunted and crossed his arms, stepping down from me. 

Quinn gave me an evil look. "If you keep going like this, maybe we won't humiliate you.." She smirked. "But we WILL humiliate Celia." My eyes went wide. Crap, what did I do? I thought she only had it out for me now, but I guess she has it out for Celia too. I clenched my fists. "Don't you go anywhere near her!" I yelled. Quinn and her group laughed. "We finally found what your weakness is - it's her." Quinn revealed. I looked down at the floor. My weakness is Celia. If anyone were to hurt her, I would do anything to get them to stop. "Good, that's valuable information to have." She smirked and then walked out of the school, her and her group laughing evilly. I sighed and started tapping my foot out of nervousness. They better not touch her. If they do, they'll incur my unbridled anger. I wish I could tell Quinn that she can go get chucked into the sun.

I continued to look out for Celia and finally saw her coming my way. She waved at me and before she could greet me, I hugged her tightly and held her close to me. "Stay away from Quinn and her cronies as much as you can." I told her. She looked up at me, obviously confused. "Huh? Jack, what are you-" "Okay, look, I may have messed with Quinn and Josh too much and now they may look for ways to humiliate you just because they know how much you mean to me." I spoke fast, hoping to tell her the news like ripping off a band-aid. Celia's eyes went wide. She sighed. "Oh, Jack, don't worry about me. I've handled her before, I can handle her again." She told me. "You don't have to worry about defending yourself, I'll always protect you, my princess." I complimented, kissing her hand and acting like a true gentleman. 

Celia's face turned red and she smiled, laughing a bit. "Alright, Tamaki-impersonator." She told me, running out of the school. "Hey! I'm not a Tamaki-impersonator! I'm just a gentleman like him, know the difference!" I yelled, running after Celia. We both chased after each other, laughing and having a good time. I can be happy, but I think I'll be happier if I'm real.

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