Chapter 8 - The Effects

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I blinked my eyes open and looked around the living room. The TV was still on, playing a show I had never even heard of. Guess after we were done watching our show, this came on. I looked over and saw Celia fast asleep, her head resting on my shoulder. I felt a little blush spread across my cheeks and a smile spread across my face. I looked over at the clock placed on the wall, squinting my eyes a bit due to the light not being turned on. It was 8:30, so Celia's mother would be home in about half an hour. I have half an hour to get lost, like I normally did. I sighed and looked over at the sleeping Celia. She looked so graceful and heavenly when she slept. She had her orange hair dangling from the edge of the couch, her eyes closed, peacefully. Shame her eyes were closed, I wanted to see her beautiful emerald colored eyes. 

I didn't have the heart to wake this fallen angel. I needed to figure out a way that I could get up from the couch without waking her up. I slowly got up from my spot on the couch, hearing the couch make some creaking noises. I let out a soft little grunt and sat back down. I looked back at Celia. Still fast asleep. Good. I bent over, reaching over to grab the remote. Come on, remote, come to Jack! I kept reaching until finally I grabbed it. Then, dropped it on the floor because I'm a clumsy idiot. I winced and looked back at Celia. Still asleep. Man, she's hard to wake! With a simple click, I switched off the television. I looked back at Celia, my heart racing. That had been happening for a while. I smiled, taking her in my arms, while being careful not to wake her by dropping her or by doing something else clumsy. I carried her bridal style to her room, smiling down at her adorable face. I walked into her room, her door creaking open. I laid her down, gently, in her bed, covering her with the pink comforter lying at the edge of the bed.

I smiled down at Celia, feelings these overwhelming feelings of love and warmth and butterflies flipping around and dancing in my stomach. I felt my heart race and beat against my chest as I leaned closer to Celia. For some reason, my mind decided to tell me to do something pretty bold. With my heart beating crazily, I gently leaned down and kissed her on her head. As soon as my lips made contact with her forehead, my cheeks heated up. I quickly jumped back, being careful not to knock into anything. Why in the world did I do that!? I just really felt my mind telling me to! Oh man, I hope she never finds out. She'd be so mad..right? I tiptoed over to Celia, seeing her sleeping face. Nothing had woken her up. I smiled down at her, walking out of her room and closing her door as I walked out. I'd sleep in the guest room for tonight. Don't want to disturb her. Besides, she says I snore. 

As I walked out of her room and closed the door, I started feeling my heart beating faster and faster. Man, I didn't know just by kissing her forehead that my body could freak out like this. I tried to brush it off, but it got stronger and stronger until it reached the point where I thought I was having a heart attack. What in the world was happening? I clutched my chest, trying to make my heartbeat go down somehow. It was going a million beats an hour! I let out a grunt and continued to clutch my chest, now my chest in pain. Suddenly, I felt my knees go weak and buckle up. I felt clammy and hot, like I had a fever. I was so weak that I couldn't even hold myself up. I fell down on my side, in the middle of the hallway. My temeparature started to rise drastically, and I felt like I was in an oven. As if everything couldn't get worse, my vision started to go hazy. I couldn't see in my peripheral vision and everything in front of me was spinning around and blurry. I tried to push myself up, but because I was so disoriented and dizzy, I fell back down again. What the heck was happening!? Wait, that pill I took. The one I got from the man. When I lied to Celia about taking a pill for my headache. Oh my gosh, was it really a drug that could kill me? I'm so stupid, why did I take it!? I wasn't thinking at all!

Suddenly, everything stopped hurting. My body was now at rest and I didn't feel hot anymore. The sweat still resided on my forehead, but my body temperature had gone back down to normal level again. My heartbeat returned to normal and I felt like I could get up and walk again. My vision was completely clear, and I could see everything in front of me and in my peripheral vision. I looked around, utterly confused and speechless. What in the world was that? Some kind of dizzy spell? Did dizzy spells do that? I pushed myself up from the ground, dusting myself off. I looked around the corner to make sure Celia's mom wasn't there. The coast was clear, good. Suddenly, I felt something weird. I gasped and looked down at my hand. It began to fade in and out..from being invisible to real. "What the..?" After a couple seconds of fading in and out, my hand went back to being fully invisible. Out of sheer shock and surprise, I stumbled backwards, looking around. I fell back down to the floor, blinking frantically. I couldn't just see what I saw, right? I couldn't just have been becoming..real? I pushed myself up and quickly ran into the guest room, slamming the door shut. Oops, forgot about Celia sleeping in the room over! I winced and pressed my ear to the wall. She was still asleep. I sighed and collapsed onto the bed, my thoughts torturing my mind.

The pill was working. 

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