= One =

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People were passing by since morning and only few walk in to the shop, and mostly were enjoying themselves browsing. It's getting boring by day and there's no better things to do than just chit chatting among each other while waiting for customers which is why this girl right now intently listening to her two other friends talking about their marriage life.

She was 23 but her experience in relationships is like she's in the middle school, naive as her friends called her. Can't blame her since she only have one relationship before and it lasted for about a month. How pathetic that is and moreover, that was her first love. A love that she hardly forget, that she's taking her 6 years time still reminiscing it.

Her friends has been constantly telling stories about their life and marriage since they thought she's so pure and she need to know lots of matter that she might face someday, bad or good, though they hope she wouldn't. They didn't tells stories so that she will judge people, they just want her to take it as a lesson and maybe she can be mature while handling things.

" So, have you been seeing anyone now ? " The petite among them, Joohyun better known as Irene asked as she nudge her which cause her to be taken back as the topic is now on her. She just shook her head while showing her toothy smiles. " Oh come on Joy. There should be one. I mean, there's so many guys around here. Don't say you never had crushes on any of them. " Another friend of her, Seulgi stares at her teasingly hoping she can pry for her secret.

That's the thing about Joy, the said girl. She feel more comfortable keeping things by her own, well maybe there's thing that she can share and some are not. She's not like these two who can easily sharing things even sometime she thinks it's way too personal but they hardly care since like they always said, " We are all grown up women. " But Joy always thought it wasn't always necessary to say everything. It was a selfish decision but that's just how she is. She learned that if it's about personal matters it's better to handle it by your own rather than listening to outsiders since you're the one who face it anyway. Maybe some advice from others will help but not much.

" You're 23. Are you sure there's no one ? " Sometimes she does felt weird by her friends. She wonder, is it really a must to have a boyfriend at this age that they keep on bombarding her with same questions for almost everyday ? Don't they think that it's not her choice for being single ? So as usual she will just say, " I'm not pretty enough. Not like you two. " and they will laughed it off thinking Joy had once again underestimate herself.

For Joy she was just a plain jane. Short hair, no make up and no charms. She's just Joy who couldn't be compared with these two who was known to be the beauty around their neighbourhood. Irene was 28 and she already had two daughters but her beauty is something that Joy admired the most while Seulgi, she's only two years older but she's mature enough for her age and pretty too.

" You just need to have a little makeover and guys will go head over you Joy. " " Well, maybe I should lose some weight. Just look at my face. People might mistaken it for a donut. " That happens to made those two laughs out loud. They always entertained when Joy is around with her jokes and all but she just didn't aware of that charm of hers.

After a few moment, Joy excused herself to do some work at the back of house, remembering that her manager, Victoria had leave her with some task. Once she's done, she head back to the front where she notice Seulgi were busy serving a customer while Irene were nowhere to be found, probably heading to the next door, her favourite place to buy the bubble tea. Joy was about to walk closer to Seulgi when suddenly the face of that customer caught her eyes. When she realised who he was, she hurriedly walked back to the counter and hide herself from them, hoping for that person didn't noticed her presence but Seulgi does and she put a little note in her mind to ask Joy about it later.

She was startled when suddenly Seulgi walked towards her, with both of her hands on her waist, " What was that ? " Immediately she compose herself, acting as if nothing happen but that not satisfied Seulgi as she's shooting the younger girl with lasers eyes. " You were obviously hiding down there. Maybe from that guy just now ? " " I did not. I'm just fixing these paper bags. " " The paper bags are fine Joy. Don't hide around the bush anymore. Spill. Now. " " Aiishhh. Arasso. That guy. He apparently my .. my ex-boyfriend. There I said it. " Seulgi cupped her mouth in disbelief, " That guy ? Then why are you hiding ? " " I don't know. I just did what my brain said so. " She answered nonchalantly which only cause Seulgi to let out chuckle. " Oh my, you are so cute you know that. "

To think about it, she also can't understand of why would she bother to hide from him. He's the one who leave her so why would she feel embarrassed ? Well, probably she just not ready to see him yet. " Do you think he see me ? " " No. He's busy picking up some perfume for his girrrl ... " Seulgi stops midway knowing that Joy might hurt if she continue. " Girlfriend ? I guess he is still with her. " " Her ? " " Just forget about it. I need to find Irene unnie. She's taking her time long enough for a bubble tea. "

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