= Fifteen =

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Joy had choose to keep her distance from Sungjae ever since that day, that day of her witnessing Sohyun and Sungjae being so comfortable with each other to even realised that his girlfriend is dead jealous over them. She will give so much excuses for him to not spending his time with her and just send her back home right after work.

It's not that they're breaking apart. It just Joy. Every time she see Sungjae, she will immediately felt annoyed at him upon remembering his moment with Sohyun and until now, he is still oblivious with this matter since Joy never bring it up to him. He did felt something was somewhat off in their relationship but he can't pint point which part was it. Joy still seems like how she normally is whenever they hang out but at times, he does feels that she's trying to avoid him.

Joy try her best not to bring that topic up since she knows that it will only hurts her more. She try to be cool about it, keep telling herself that she's just over reacting on this matter. She want to be an understanding girlfriend and she don't want Sungjae to feel irritate with her jealousy which she knows he will obviously feel that it was nonsense to feel jealous over his friend. To sum it up, she don't want Sungjae to see her weak side since she's afraid he will not liking it. She just love him so much to even think of starting an argument with him.

But things won't just let her be cool about it with whenever she asked what could he be doing since they can't meet up, he will just irritates her more by saying, " I'm with Taecyeon and Sohyun. " That name had somehow felt so sensitive in her ears nowadays. Sure that Taecyeon is there but she still can't help but to feel doubt at what might happen between those other two. Taecyeon seems really fine with their closeness but not Joy, she's totally not fine with it now that she witnessed that one moment.

That's when she thought, she need to do something. She need to at least bring back his attention on her and not keeping him more distant. Her first move was already wrong and she will fix it now.

" I feel bored staying at home. " She heard chuckles on the other line making her smile at it, slightly felt happy with hearing his voice. " So, you changed your mind. I thought you said you were lazy to go out this morning ? " " It's fine if you don't want. " " I didn't said that Sooyoung-ah. " There's a short silence making Joy to fidget before she hear back his voice. " Do you want to hang out with us then ? " He asked causing the girl to fume with annoyance but she try her best to hold it. " Can we just have our little time together ? " " Okay, get ready. I'll pick you up in 30mins. " " Okay. Thanks. "

Well, he did spoiled her mood a little by asking her to hang out with his crew which obviously the last thing that she want at this moment.


They head towards nowhere since since Joy still don't have the idea of where should they have their date.

" Come on. I've been driving for almost 20minutes. Still no idea ? " Sungjae can't help but to let out a small chuckle when he noticed the frown look on her face.

" What so hard to decide a place huh ? "

He teased her some more thinking that she will take it well when deep inside she's actually annoyed and just stayed silent.

" Hey, there must be some place that you wanna go. If not why would you ask me out ? "
" You know what ? Why don't you just decide. It's easier right rather than waiting for me ? "

He sense her the sudden tense in her voice and can't help but to look at her who is right now looking away. " Hey, something wrong ? "

She didn't say anything and just look ahead.

" Honey, did I upsets you on something ? "

She felt regrets for letting out her anger just now since he didn't know a thing for her to get mad like that. " A-ani. I'm sorry. I just .. seriously don't have any idea right now. Could you please just bring me anywhere ? I'm kinda hungry. You know how grumpy I am when I'm in the need of food. "

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