= Four =

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" Unnie, I will be there shortly. " And then she hung up making Joy to giggles at the younger one. " You've been saying the same thing over again but I didn't see any movement from you. " Yeri just stuck her tongue out cutely, " Aww, don't you like having me here with you ? " " Of course I like you, you bring me smoothies. " " So, please just keep me here with you. I'm too tired to work. " " Yah, doesn't mean if you're Wendy unnie's cousin, you can do anything that you want. " " I know, I know. Just few more minutes. "

A customer suddenly walked in, making Joy to beamed with smiles. She passed her drink to Yeri, " Yeri-ah, can you help me bring this inside. Seulgi unnie is at the pantry. " " Arasso unnie, I'll be with Seulgi unnie. "

She then proceed to serve the customer, making sure to use all of her knowledge so that it can help the customer in making decision. It was her luck that moment when the customer decided to have more than she thought she will buy and that just makes Joy to feel even happy.

Soon, when there's no more people walk in, Joy decide to tidy up the shop a bit by throwing all the used blotter card and replenish the perfume that she had sold when suddenly, a voice shouted " KIM YERIM ! " which had startled her badly where she almost throw the perfume away.

The culprit happen to let out a soft chuckle when he noticed how surprised she can be but he felt sorry afterwards knowing he wasn't suppose to barge in like that. " Mian. " He said to Joy who still having her back on him. She were cursing under her breath and that doesn't leave his ears making him want to laugh again but he held it.

" Aiishh ! Kim Yerim. This guy is here for you. " She sounds annoyed and that also makes him feel irritated too.

" Tsk ! Like I didn't say sorry. Rude girl. " Looking at her who doesn't even bother to even turn and look at him and just walked away making his heart to boil with anger. " She is so full of herself. "

Few seconds after that, Yeri came out with a smile on her face that immediately cause his heart to feel at ease. " Sungjae oppa. What's up ? " " I've been looking for you and noona said that you were here. " " Yeah, I just sent some drink to Joy unnie. " " Aaahh, that snobbish. "

Yeri can't help but to laugh when she hears that coming from Sungjae's mouth making him to feel weird looking at her.

" Why are you laughing ? " " Because I've been hearing the same thing coming out of the other person. " " Who ? " " Joy unnie. " " What ? Did she called me a snob ? " " And so did you. " " But that's how she is. " Sungjae can be childish at some point and this is where the moment is. He is not satisfied knowing Yeri wasn't taking his side, actually either of their sides.

" Aigoo, just forget about that. Why are you looking for me anyway ? " " Aah, I almost forget. Here. " He handed her a small paper bag which she gladly took it. She rummage into the bag and shriek when she found a teddy bear chocolate bouquet. " Oppa, what  is this ? " " Chocolate and teddy bear. " " I know what the thing is but what is it for ? " " Well, not for special occasion. I just thought of you when I saw this. " " Omo, thanks oppa. You're the best. "

Joy walked out from the back of house when she makes sure that he wasn't around anymore. It just irks her whenever she saw his face and she also can't understand why. " Good. He's gone. " " Yah, stop hating him. " " Wae unnie ? He's just so annoying. " " What exactly did he do to you that you hate him so much ? "

Joy was silenced for a while, thinking hard her real reason of hating him. " Well ... " " Well ? " Seulgi asks back with her eyes squinted. " Nothing. " " Exactly. You just hate him because of your first impression on him. " " Well, sort of. I don't like how he look so arrogant when he walk. " " Arrogant ? Seriously Joy ? " " He wasn't even smiling and just walk as if he's so hot. " " Hold on. Did you just said he is hot ? " " I said he thinks that he is hot ? " " Are you sure that's how he thought of himself ? I can confirm it for you if you want. " " Unnie don't. Fine. It was just me who was overthinking. " Seulgi just laughs at the flustered Joy while shaking her head in disbelieve. " Maybe it's time for you to open up your heart a bit to at least be nice to him. " " But .. " " It's not hard Joy. A simple smile will do. " She nodded hesitantly thinking whether she manage to do it or not.


Night came and most of the shop are starting to close including her shop. Seulgi had to excuse herself early since she have to visit her parents leaving Joy all alone doing the closing. Once she's taking care of the money, she take the key and locked the door as always. She did a double checking for her not to miss out anything and head off when everything is done.

" Joyiah, you're alone ? " Hearing that voice had abruptly made her stops her track. She turn to look at her side revealing Changsub smiling at her. " Yeah, Seulgi unnie had to excuse herself early. How's your sales today oppa ? " They were now standing right at the front of his store. " I didn't open up a bill but Sungjae did. "

Hearing his names had only makes her feel uneasy and just in time, she saw him walked out of the store after locking it. " Hyung, I've found my phone. " He too were flustered when he saw Joy stood in front of him.

There's silence in the air making Changsub to look at those two weirdly but quickly Joy broke it. " I think I better go. I need to catch a bus. Bye oppa. " " Alright. Take care of yourself Joy. " " I will. Bye again. "

She took a quick glance at him and they happen to make an eye contact causing Joy to look away from flustered. Sungjae almost let out a chuckle seeing her acting that way but he managed to held it.

" You can at least bid her a bye you know. " " What ? " " At least be friendly to her. " " Believe me hyung she hates me. " " But you don't. " " I do feel a bit annoyed with her. " " Come on Sungjae. Stop being childish. She's Yeri's friend and even my wife's friend. Can you at least be nice to her ? Besides, you're the older one here and you should yield sometimes. " " But I don't think that necessary since ... " " Aisshh. We've become awkward whenever you two show up at the same place. Got it ? " " Ara. Ara. I'll be nice next time we meet. " " Good. I'm going now. " " See you tomorrow. " " You too. "

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