= Two =

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It started when she was in the middle school, where one day her homeroom teacher announced that they gonna have a transfer student from Canada which caught most of her class attention with the thought of some Canadian will be in their class. She was a little disappointed when knowing the said boy was actually a Korean who lived in Canada.

She wasn't paying attention when the boy did his introduction and only look to the front when the boy already on his way towards his assigned seat. " He's a genius. " Heard her friend mumbling about something that had caught her attention. " What did you say ? " " The newbie got a brain. He was excellent in his previous school. " " How did you know this ? " " He tells it himself. Don't you listens to what he's saying ? " " Tssk. Did he need to brag about it ? What a nerd. " She was a little annoyed at his sudden outburst of his achievement in his previous school which she thought wasn't necessary to do so. " Show off. " She hissed under her breath after taken a quick glance at him.

It wasn't her intention to make friend with him but he just have to show up later in the evening when he lend a hand for a handshake while saying, " I'm Taehyung. Sooyoung right ? " There's a quick silence before a nudge on her hand by her friend bring back her daze. She was hesitant at first but thinking she don't want to be rude to anyone, she ended up taking his arm. " Yeah, I'm Sooyoung. " Her friend just need to interfere looking at how awkward she is right now, " But you can call her Joy. Everybody does. " " Arasso, Joy. "

Who would have known from that moment of a handshake had lead them into a bond of friendship. Her first impression of him had slowly turned out differently as she's spending more time with him, making him to be her first guy best friend. They spends almost three years together and things were doing great until he was accepted to one of the prestigious school which cause them to drifted a part for almost a year. None of them were contacting each other and that only makes Joy to misses him more.

Until that one Christmas, when he suddenly shows up in one of her friend's party that cause a chaos in her heart. She wasn't familiar with the feeling but it's not like she doesn't like it. " Hey, it's been a while huh ? " " Yeah ... " " Gosh, we are awkward with each other. " He joked only for her to chuckle at it. " We'll get use to it. " Joy knew that both of them were nervous at the moment but there's nothing she can do rather than just keeping her calm face as long as she can for him not to notice her excitement of meeting him.

Surprisingly, even when there's still awkwardness around them, they choose to stick with each other along that party. Talking, making jokes and teasing like they always did as if covering back the lost years that they had. She thought it might be their last meeting and probably he won't be around after this but she was wrong when out of sudden he took seriously of her joke, " Do you actually mean that ? " " Hey, don't get too serious. I was only ... " " I like you. "

She was frozen for a moment and trying to digest whatever he's saying. " What did you say ? You like me ? " " I guess, drifting away from you had only makes me miss you more. And that's when I noticed that I like you ... as more than just a friend. "

She was in glee, butterflies were all over her stomach and her face blushed hard as he confessed but she remains silent making the boy to get restless. " Is this feeling mutual ? " She was too embarrassed to admit but she finally given in, " I guess so. " " You guess ? That wasn't convincing. " She let out a small chuckle when he showed his famous pouting face. " I did too. I like you too. "

And that's how it begin, from a simple friendship they've become a lovers. They did great at first for a long distance relationship but it only lasted for a month and so when he suddenly calls for a break saying it wasn't going to work with them being far from each other. She was confused and of course sad but she was still a high schooler by that time who trying to act mature. She doesn't want to look so desperate and she kinda feels embarrassed when he's the one who call it off, so that's her reason for agreed to it without even bother to ask for a second chance.

She even put the blame on herself thinking that probably she didn't put extra effort in this relationship. Fortunately, none of her friends knows that they were in the relationship or else she might be bombarded with lots of questions later on.

Few weeks after that, she was surprised when his name being mentioned by her friend saying that he did some writings in his blog and she should really take a look on it.

She wasn't interested at first but as her friend said, " It was something about him and this  mysterious girl who he dated before. Can you believe  that ? I wonder who is the girl anyway. He never mentions anyone before. "

That cause Joy to gulped in nervous. She hesitantly clicks on his blog and there as been said, he did wrote a letter with ' My Girl ' as the tittle. She knew it was meant for her since that's what he's been calling her when they're still in the relationship.

My Girl

I hope you will eventually read this out.
I'm so sorry for being a coward for have to clarify things through this letter.

As times we spends together, I find that I'm attracted to you and that's why I choose to finally confessed which I glad when you say yes.
You were great, you have everything but blame me for not able to keep my heart for our love.

I am not sure whether it was just a trigger or not but the reason for me to call for a break wasn't because I can't handle a long distance relationship.
But it was because of her, the girl in my past, that I once had spoken about it.

I'm sorry if I have to tell you this way instead of meeting you. You can call me a coward or whatever but all I wanna say is I'm sorry. I really did messed up.

Forgive me if you can. I understand if you choose to hate me but all I say is I'm sorry.

That hurts her obviously, knowing that it was all a lie. It's not the fact that he had choose his first love over her that annoyed her but it was because he couldn't bringing himself to clarify it to her at the first place. She knew that It's going to be awful but it's better than keeping the truth aside. He is her best friend for god sake and she's disappointed with his way of dealing things.

Ever since that, they have never meet again even though she did hears things about him here and there but that just it. She did forgives him after awhile and even let him know about it and did hope that they can at least be friends again even she didn't tell him out loud but seems like he wasn't in the same thought as her when she noticed that he keeps avoiding her even when there's a gathering or something. Because of that, she decides to do the same since she thought he is not worth of her worries.

Yeah right as if that work since he never left her mind till now.


Author's Note : Gosh ! I feel the cringe when I wrote this part especially when it comes to the Taehyung's Letter to Joy. Hahaha 😅 !

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