Chapter One: End of summer

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It was the end of summer. Everyone was leaving Camp Campbell and returning home. It was a summer full of adventures and drama. But as it is said, all good things must come to an end.

Max, Neil, and Nikki were all at the entrance of Camp Campbell, waiting for their parents to arrive. They had exchanged their numbers and promised to keep in touch. The bright headlights of two cars shined on the trio.

"Well that's my mom." Nikki said.

"And that's my dad." Said Neil.

"I guess this is goodbye until next summer." Neil said sadly.

"Yeah." Max said.

They exchanged their goodbyes and then their group of three was diminished to a group of one. Max sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets.
David put a hand on Max's shoulder.

"Don't worry Max we'll wait for your parents together!" He said with a grin.

Max just rolled his eyes and looked at the ground. Minutes of waiting turned into hours. David frowned and looked at Max who had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

"Where are they?" He whispered to himself.

After a few more minutes he perked up when he saw approaching headlights. Max was woken by the bright lights and slowly got up.

"Look Max, they're here!" David said happily.

"Wonderful." Max said under his breath.

Max's dad got out and walked over to David and Max.

"Alright you little shit. Come on." Max's father said angrily.

Max hesitated for a moment.

"Come on!" His dad said grabbing him by the hood of his jacket and dragging Max towards the car.

David looked on in shock.
His face darkened as he walked over to Max's father.

"I'm sorry sir but that is no way to treat your son!" David said firmly.

Max's father let go of Max and turned to David.

"Are you telling me how to raise my kid?"

"As a matter of fact I am." David said slightly nervous. The now furious father's hands balled into fists.

"I-I just think that you could be a little less aggressive with Max. That's all sir."

"Is that right? How about you don't tell me how to handle my damn child?!"

And with that the enraged father punched David in the face.

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