Chapter three: Its your choice

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David woke up and looked at the clock. It was 6am. He tiredly stood up and walked into the hallway and peeked into the guest room. Max was still asleep. He  walked into the living room and called Child Protective Services and told the operator about the events of last night.

"Well sir we will look into this. Would you be interested in custody of this child? If not we can put him into foster care."

"I would be interested, but I'd have to ask Max what he wants."

"Alright. If we don't get a response in 42 hours we will have someone pick him up and and take him to our foster care facility. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am. Thank you, bye."

David hung up the phone and sighed.

"Well, you know what even if he doesn't want to stay with me I'm sure Max will love his new foster family!" He said positively.

David decided he would make breakfast before Max woke up. He cooked eggs, bacon, and toast. (Because who doesn't love eggs, bacon, and toast?) He fixed two plates of the delicious breakfast and set them on the table.  Just then he heard the guest room door open and a groggy Max walked out.

"Gooooooood Morning Max!" David said joyfully.

"Morning." Max said rubbing his eyes.

"I made some breakfast for you!"

Max just replied with a grunt and sat down at the table. David sighed as he wondered how he would tell him. When Max was done eating David cleared his throat.

"So I talked to someone this morning about this whole situation and uh they told me that you could either stay here with me or you could go to another place. It's your choice."

"What place?" Max asked.

David hesitated for a moment.
"Foster Care."

Max was silent.

"A-And you don't have to answer right now you have two days to think about it." David said quickly.


Max then walked into the guest room and closed the door. David was slightly worried but shrugged it off and decided to tidy up the house while Max was in his room. He slowly grew concerned though because Max had been in his room all day and it was getting close to sun down so he walked over to the door gave it a gentle knock.

"Max?" David said.

"Yeah?" Max replied.

"Are you alright?"


"Ok. I'll be making dinner if you need me." David said as he walked to the Kitchen.

They had a silent dinner. David had tried to start a conversation but It would just lead to awkward silences.  Max headed to bed while David cleaned up. Afterwards David walked to his room to get ready for bed.

"Night David." He heard Max say.

Again David smiled.

"Goodnight Max."

A/N: This is my first Camp Camp fanfic so it won't be amazing but I hope you enjoy anyway!

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