Chapter Thirteen: Confrontation

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"Max, get up. We're going to school." David said, shaking Max gently.

Max slowly sat up, groaning.

"What?" Max asked, confused.

"We're confronting that bully once and for all." David said.

Max's eyes widened.

"No no no no no we can't do that!" Max said quickly.

"Why not?" David replied.

"Because once you leave, Todd will beat me into a pulp!" Max exclaimed.

"Well, I don't know if you remember that situation with Nurf, but I'd say I'm pretty persuasive." David said boastfully.

"Ok, I don't know if you remember, but you slapped Nurf and the next day he kicked you in the shin." Max said, glaring at David.

". . .W-Well I still think I'm persuasive!" David shouted.

Max rolled his eyes.

"Now get ready, we are going to that school and talking to Todd wether you like it or not!" David said, trying to sound stern but failing.

Max groaned and rolled out of his bed.

"I am so dead. . ." Max said under his breath.

*le time skip*

Max shoved his hands into his pockets and stared at the ground.

"Do you see him Max?" David said, looking through the sea of kids in front of the school.

"No." Max said flatly.

"You're not even looking." David complained.

"Ugh." Max looked up, examining the crowd of kids.

He saw Todd talking to his goons near the entrance and pointed to them.

"There, that fat boy In the letterman's jacket." Max said.

David saw Todd and nodded, beginning to walk over to him. Max fell a few feet behind him, afraid of what would happen. David marched up behind Todd and cleared his throat. Todd paused mid-sentence and turned around.

"What do you want?" He snarled.

"Well, I'm here with my son Max and I've been told you have been bullying him." David said, calmly.

Todd was silent for a moment before bursting out in laughter.

"" Todd said in between laughs.

Max facepalmed.

"David this is stupid. Let's just go." Max said, embarrassed.

"No! We are going to settle this right now!" David said, glaring at Todd.

"What are you gonna do? Call my mommy?" Todd said in a taunting voice.

David said nothing.

"Ha, you're a pussy just like your son!" Todd cackled.

With that, David cracked.

"I understand you're upset because your dad hasn't come back from his trip to buy milk, but that's no reason to bully my son. So how about you put on your big boy pants and stop being a jerk?" David said.

Todd growled and punched David in the gut. David teetered and fell to the ground.

"David!" Max shouted, looking at David's limp body before locking eyes with Todd.

"You son of a bitch!" Max barked,
pouncing on Todd.

Max began repeatedly punching Todd in the face over and over. A crowd of students formed around the two as Max continued to punch Todd. Tears formed in Max's eyes and his vision became blurry. He heard shouting and he felt himself being dragged off Todd's body.

*time skip*

The car ride back to the house was quiet, the low hum of the car being the only thing breaking the silence.

When they got home, Max and David sat on the couch, still not saying a word.

After awhile Max finally broke the silence.

"I'm sorry David. I-I don't know what got into me. He just hit you a-and I was so sick of him picking on me I just-" Max choked on his words, tears pouring down his face.

Before he could say anything else, David brought Max into a tight embrace.

"It's ok, Max. It's my fault for bringing you there in the first place." David said softly.

Max hugged back, nestling his face into David's shirt as he cried.

Max's crying died down and he pulled away.

"At least you weren't expelled," David said, trying to sound positive.

"Yeah..." Max said, looking at the ground.

"Hey," David said, putting a hand on Max's shoulder, "Lets watch a movie and forget about all this for awhile, huh?"

Max smiled weakly and nodded.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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