Chapter Eleven: fight or flight

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"Maybe I could fake a cold." Max said, talking to himself.

"No, I can't wuss out." Max sighed.

He stood up wearily and got dressed. Max then ambled into the kitchen.

"Hello Max." David greeted.

Max only waved as he grabbed his backpack.

"Is it that time already?" David asked checking his watch.

"Oh gosh I didn't even realize! Well Max you better head out or you'll miss the bus!"

"I know." Max said opening the door.

"Bye Max!" David called as Max walked out.

The bus ride was uneventful as well as the school day, but Max kinda wished school would never end due to what events would come after.
Maybe I could just walk to the bus without him noticing. Tell him I came late. That might work. Max thought to himself.

(Time skip brought to you by the upcoming camp camp Halloween special)

Max began briskly walking towards the buses. No sign of Todd. He was almost to his bus when he felt a hand grab his shoulder.

"Hey buddy! Did you forget our club meeting?" Todd said innocently.

Max looked at him confused.


Max then saw the principal looking at them.

"Come on then! Lets go." Todd said walking towards the gym, his hand still gripped tightly on Max's shoulder.

When they got behind the gym Todd threw Max on the ground.

"You ready to get your ass kicked?" Todd said snickering.

Max's fight or flight response kicked in as he quickly stood and tried to swing at Todd, failing miserably.Todd punched Max in the stomach and he fell on the pavement. Todd kicked Max multiple times before walking away laughing. Max shakily stood up and began walking home, seeing as he had missed the bus. He entered through the back door so David wouldn't see him and slipped into his room.

Max walked over to the mirror. There was a big scuff on the side of his face but other than that he looked fine. Max sighed and walked into the living room.

"Hello Max how was sch- Oh my gosh what happened to your face?!" David said getting up from the couch and rushing over to him.

"I-I uh...." Max stuttered nervously.

A/N: Will he lie? Will he tell David the truth? What do you think?

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