Chapter four: Music and Max

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Max's POV

"God dammit." I said tossing and turning.

I couldn't sleep. I was too stressed about the huge fucking decision I had to make. David is annoying as hell and pisses me off all the time, but he's caring unlike my asshole mom and dad. Foster care has no David, but there is a lot of annoying children and I assume, annoying adultsWell really thinking about it now, I guess David would be surprisingly more tolerable than all those kids.
After many attempts to sleep I spent the rest of the night staring at the trees outside.

I jumped when someone knocked on the door.

"What the fuck do you want?" I groaned tiredly.

"It's time to get up!" David shouted.

"Ugh fuck off." I said pulling my pillow over my ears.

David opened the door and walked in.

"Come on now Max. I have a big day planned!" David said excitedly as he walked out.

I groaned loudly and slowly sat up. Probably some lame camping shit. I thought to myself.
I pulled on my hoodie and walked out into the living room. Immediately I was hit with the smell of pancakes and syrup.  I walked into the kitchen and sat at the table.

"Here you go Max!" David said putting a plate of syrupy pancakes and a cup of coffee in front of me.

I quickly began eating. Syrupy goodness.

"You better hurry Max I've got an exciting day planned!"

I shoveled another bite of pancake into my mouth.

"What are we gonna do, listen to the farmer's almanac for 8 hours?" I said sarcastically as I swallowed the last piece of pancake.

"While that does sound fun, we are going somewhere special!" David smiled.

I raised a an eyebrow at him.

"Come on we have to get going!" David said while picking me up.

"Jesus David let go of me!" I said trying to squirm out of his grip.

He put me in the car and fastened my seatbelt. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not five David. I can put on my seatbelt myself."

He just got in the car and put on his own seatbelt.

"Hey did you hear me you fu-" I was cut off by the farmer's almanac being turned up.

I crossed my arms and huffed. After what seemed like hours of driving we stopped.

"Thank god." I said taking off my seatbelt and hopping out of the car.

I looked at my surroundings and saw what I thought I would never see again.

"Sweet sweet civilization!" I exclaimed.

"Come on Max!" David shouted walking towards a blue building.

When we walked inside I stopped.

"Woah." I  said breathlessly.

It was a music store. One of the biggest I had ever seen. There were all sorts of instruments hung on the wall from guitars to basses. It was true, I enjoyed music. I used to borrow David's guitar a lot and just sit on the dock and play. Helped me to calm my nerves.

I walked around the store admiring all the instruments when one caught my eye. It was a beautiful pastel blue ukulele. The ukulele was simple, but that's what made it stand out to me.

"Hey David come look at this." I said.

David walked over and look at the ukulele.

"Um I think it looks, you know?" I said bluntly walking off to look at the other instruments.

I knew better than to ask for things. I know David isn't like my parents but it's just wired into my brain to never asked for anything unless I wanted my ass beat. I shook the thought from my head and continued looking until we left.

"Yo David, what's that?" I said pointing to a large plastic bag in the front seat of the car.

"Oh ummm.....those are some things for my guitar!" David said.

"Things?" I said skeptically.

"Yep!" He replied nervously.

"Yeah ok, sure." I said rolling my eyes.

After that he turned the radio on and we took the painfully long drive home.

A/N: wow this was a long chapter for what I usually write.

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