Chapter Ten: Beating and Bullies

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Max woke up and sighed happily. He hadn't  had a nightmare in over a week and school was going great. But of course, there's always something to fuck everything up.

Max got ready quickly and rushed out the door. He got on the bus and began talking to Preston about the musical Be More Chill until they arrived at school. Max began walking to his class when he ran into someone.

"Sorry." Max said annoyed.

Max was aggressively picked up by his collar of his shirt.

"What did you say?" The person spat.

"Fuck off." Max said, trying to break free from the person's tight grip.

The person threw him on the concrete.

"Don't fuck with Todd Anderson." Todd said, walking away.

Max got up slowly and held his cheek.

"Dammit." He whispered to himself.

"Jesus Christ Max are you okay?" Neil said running over.

"I'm fine." Max said coldly.

Max walked to class quickly staring at the floor as he walked. Class was boring but at least his cheek didn't hurt anymore. When it was time for lunch Max leisurely walked towards the lunchroom. Well, until he saw Todd. Max tried to speed walk past him but tripped and fell. Todd and a couple other kids started laughing. Max just got up and continued walking. He didn't bother getting lunch, instead Max just glared at Todd.

"Earth to Max." Nikki said, waving a hand in front of his face.

"What do you want?" Max said his glare now directed at Nikki.

"You've been staring at that Todd kid for almost all of lunch. What's up?" Nikki asked.

"Nothing he's just an asshole." Max said.

"Yeah, he pushed Max this morning." Neil added.

"Want me to bite him or something?!" Nikki said excitedly.

"No that will just make it worse." Max sighed.

"Suit yourself." Nikki said shoveling food into her mouth.

When school was over Max began slowly walking towards the bus until suddenly someone grabbed the hood of his sweatshirt. He instinctively turned around and slapped the person behind him. It was Todd.

"Shit." Max said.

Todd laughed.

"Y,know before you did that I was just gonna rough you up a bit. But now, I'm gonna beat you to a pulp."

One of his friends tapped him on the shoulder.

"What?" Todd shouted.

The friend pointed to the principal. Todd sighed.

"Tomorrow, after school, behind the gym. You're dead punk." Todd said, an evil grin forming on his face.

Then Todd and his friends walked away.

"Wonderful." Max said sarcastically, making his way towards the buses.

A/N: Hey guys! Finally wrote this chapter yay. I wanted to thank @angelofdeath1239034 for giving me the idea for this chapter and the next! Don't know when I will update because I have homeschool and I have to move next week but I will try to have it out as soon as I can. Alright bye!

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