Chapter Twelve: The Truth

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A/N: A HUGE thanks to Fofaige for the amazing cover art! They have amazing art and writing skills and I absolutely recommend you check out their account! Sorry if this is bad I've been asked a lot for longer chapters so I tried to make one so sorry if my writing isn't as good

"I uh...tripped! A-And my face got scraped on the concrete." Max said quickly.

David glared at him for a moment.

"Max you really need to be more careful! I'll go get a bandage and some polysporin." David said as he began walking towards his room.

Max sighed in relief and flopped down on the couch.
That was close. Max thought to himself.

"Alrighty, Max! Let's get you fixed up!" David said walking back into the living room.

(Time skip brought to you by anisol)

Max looked at his feet nervously as he walked towards the school building.

"Hey, Maxwell!" Someone called.

Max cringed but continued walking.

"Hey! I'm fucking talking to you!"
Todd's voice could now clearly be heard.

Max began walking faster eventually breaking into a run as Todd's footsteps got louder and louder. He was almost to his classroom when he was stopped by his principal.

"Are you aware there is no running in these hallways Mr. Hayes." (I don't know what their official last names are please don't hurt me)

"Yes sir, I'm sorry," Max mumbled.

After a brief lecture, Max went on with his boring day.

(Time skip to after school)

Max stepped out of the school building looking for Todd. He sighed with relief when he saw no sign of him. Max was walking towards the buses when someone bumped into him causing him to fall and scrape his knee.

"Dammit." Max whispered, clutching his now bleeding knee.

He looked up to see who had bumped into him and wouldn't you know it, it was Todd and his goons. They just laughed and continued walking making comments like "What a loser." and "He's such a pussy."

Max felt all his rage and sadness being let out as he felt tears forming in the corner of his eyes. He stood up, put his hood on, and continued walking.

Max had decided to walk home, as he didn't want to look like a baby crying on the bus. When he got home he bandaged his knee and walked into his room. Max sat on his bed and sighed. He then pulled the pastel blue ukulele out from under his and began strumming.

This place has taken all my self-esteem

And everybody is afraid of me

And I can't make eye contact with anyone I see

This place has taken all my self-esteem

And everybody is afraid of me

And I'm afraid to go out in the streets

Reminders of my failures everywhere that I will be

Everybody is afraid of me

People freak me out

People make me scared

People make me so damn self-aware

Max carefully put his ukulele under the bed and laid down. After the awhile of staring at the trees outside, Max felt himself slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Max. Max!"

Max jolted awake and looked at the source of the voice.

"How about you have some dinner before you go falling asleep," David said with his usual grin.

"Yeah, whatever," Max said.

(During dinner)

"So what happened to your knee?" David asked a hint of worry in his voice.

"Oh, you saw that. Yeah, I fell and scraped my knee and since you were out grocery shopping I just bandaged it myself." Max said as nonchalantly as he could.

"You're quite the klutz this week," David said with a chuckle. "Really you should be more careful Max."

"I will..." Max said.

After that Max went to bed, but since he had taken that long nap earlier he didn't get much sleep.

(Big Time skip to after school the next day brought to you by PBS Kids)

Todd was in the process of beating the shit out of Max after he said Todd was a dick. Max did nothing to fight back. He knew it was no use anyway. When it was over Max walked over to the gym bathrooms to check the damage.

"Fuck," Max said.

He had a black eye. Max was really screwed this time. He couldn't just say he tripped and fell into a doorknob a couple times. (Eheheh)
Max was gonna have to fess up. He sighed and began to walk home, again. When he got to the door he pulled his hood over his face and walked in.

"Hellloooo Max! How was your- Wait. What's that around your eye? Max, you didn't take over the school did you?" David asked.

"What? No. I-It's nothing." Max said.

"Max," David said sternly. "Please put down your hoodie."

Max hesitated but he slowly lowered the hood from his head.

David gasped.

"Oh my goodness! Max, what happened?" David asked, his voice now full of concern.

Max sighed.

"Todd happened," Max said annoyed.

David's face darkened.

"Well, that is just unacceptable," David said.

"It's not a big dea-"

"Go to bed," David said.

"What? Why?" Max asked.

"Because as soon as you get up tomorrow we are marching over to that school and talking some sense into that bully," David said firmly.

"But...But it's 4 pm." Max said.

"No buts. Bed. Now. Please." David said pointing to Max's bedroom.

"Ok?" Max said walking towards his room.

Max played Mario Cart for the rest of the day, not looking forward to tomorrow.

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