Chapter seven: School

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"Max get up. You're going to be late for your first day of school!" David shouted from the kitchen.

"Ughhhhh." Max groaned, rolling out of his bed.

He walked over to the table and sat down.

"Do I have to?" Max whined.

"Yes." David said, putting a plate of French toast in front of Max.

Max groaned again and began eating.

"You better hurry up and eat or you'll miss the bus." David said smiling.

Max finished up and grabbed his backpack .

"Have a great first day of school!" David shouted as Max walked out the door.

Max stared at the pavement as he waited for the bus. After a few minutes it came out and he climbed in. He sat in the middle of the bus and stared out the window. It was the last stop before they went to the school when somebody sat next to him. Max wanted to tell them to scram but he didn't care enough to. He glanced over to see who was sitting next to him and his eyes widened as he saw one of the kids from camp sitting right next to him. The kid noticed Max staring and looked at him. His eyes widened as well when he saw Max.

"Max?" The boy asked.

"Hey Goodplay." Max sighed.

"Hello Max! I didn't think you lived in this neighborhood!" Preston said.

"Well now I wish I didn't." Max muttered under his breath.

After that Preston wouldn't shut up about plays and musicals so Max just tried to tune him out. When they arrived at the school Max quickly got off the bus and pulled out his school map. After he'd identified where he needed to go he began heading to his class.

"Bye Max!" He heard Preston shout.

Max rolled his eyes and continued walking to class. When he arrived he saw two more familiar faces. Neil and Nikki. He perked up a bit and quickly sat at the desk next to them.

"Hey guys." Max said.

"Hi Max!" Nikki said excitedly.

"Hello Max." Neil waved.

They were about to continue when the teacher spoke.

"May I have your attention class." The teacher said.

Max groaned and rolled his eyes.

"I am Ms. Wilson, your teacher for this year." Ms. Wilson said.

After that she assigned some simple assignments like a personality worksheet, and word searches for the entire day. Max thought he would die from boredom when it was finally time for lunch. He quickly got up and with the rest of the class, headed for the lunchroom. When he got there he grabbed some food and sat at a table with Nikki and Neil.

"School is so fucking stupid." Max said angrily.

"Yeah, I'd rather be in the woods looking for a Sasquatch." Nikki said.

"I don't know guys, I kinda like school." Neil said.

"NERRRRDDDDD!" Nikki shouted.

Max laughed and looked around the lunchroom. Max could see that a lot of kids from Camp were here. Harrison, Nerris, and Preston were at one table and he saw Dolph, Erid, and Nurf at another. They were all talking about dumb shit like musicals, magic, and giving some kid a swirly (Nurf said this of course. When Max was finished with his food he threw his trash away and looked at the clock. School was almost over.

Finally, the bell rang and kids crowded through the door, Max practically getting squished during this. He said goodbye to Nikki and Neil and got on his bus. Max like this morning, sat at the middle of the bus. Preston sat next to Max again.

"Why are you sitting next to me?" Max said, annoyed.

"Because I must tell you about the musical I discovered recently!" Preston exclaimed.

He then went on to talk about some musical called "Heathers". Max found himself actually listening, having nothing better to do. He finally reached his stopped and got off. Max walked into his house and immediately saw David Sitting on the couch. David got up excitedly and walked over to Max.

"How was your first day of school Max?" David asked.

"Fine I guess." Max said.

"That's great!" David smiled.

After that Max ate dinner and went to bed.

A/N: Hey guys sorry for not updating sooner I was busy with school and stuff. So I don't exactly remember 4th grade so I don't really know how it works lol. Anyway Preston and Max interacting does NOT mean Presmax. Probably just friends. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for 500 reads!

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