Final Chapter: The True Ending??

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Arion and Alise stepped out of the portal in the world of Fantasia. Arion saw he had arrived outside where he had left. Outside on a field which overlooked the ruins of Arthur's castle. It was also night-time in Fantasia the whole world however was visible in the glow of the full moon. A light shone from Arion's pocket, to which the light of Fantasia emerged "Arion...I'm afraid I must go. I have much to do now, I must repair the damage that Noire has caused"

"Yeah okay" replied for Arion "well...we'll see you later" they waved to the light which vanished into the distance.

Arion then turned and looked upon the ruins of Arthur'ss castle sighing"I really do hope, Lord Arthur has a spare of that map to the Lair of the hidden King"

" that his castle?" asked Alise

"Well...what's left of it. Noire tried wiping out the whole place with me in it" Arion then looked round "that's a point. Where are all the captives I sent?"

"Why...should they be here?"

" portals tend to open where I last made them. So everyone should've sent here" just then a small beep sounded followed by a neon envelope which appeared before Arion "oh...I get a message, from Sheena"

Alise came over to Arion as he tapped the envelope. Inside was a short message which Alise read out "hey there Arion. It's me Sheena. Me, Thor and friends are here in central city. We are all waiting for you to say our thanks. Please tell me when you're arriving" Arion tapped on the button replied to which a virtual keyboard appeared before him

"hey there Sheena. Glad to see you all got here alright. Me and Alise are now on the way to you. Will be using my winged state, so should be there in ten minutes" Arion then pressed the button send "well that's a relief, they'll all here safe and sound"

"Well...shall we go then?" Arion nodded and after triggering the golden wings with soul-enforce picked up Alise and took off into the air.

After ten minutes of flying the central city of Fantasia appeared. Oddly from their point of view, they could see many different coloured lights shining from the city looking what looked like many people all gathered together "when Sheena said a few many is a few?" commented Arion as they drew closer to the town

" looks like a lot doesn't it?"

Many, Many, Fantasia warriors were now all gathered together in the city. As one of them saw Arion flying towards them he called out "our HERO!" everyone all turned to Arion and all together called out "OUR HERO!!!" the whole area was just filled with cheers and noise as every warrior in Fantasia gathered together in hail him home. Banners were lit up saying TEMA OUR HERO, in big letter while magic was cast into the air making rudimentary fireworks, and the constant chanting of his hero name TEMA just continuously echoed through the streets.

Arion and Alise finally managed to spy their friends, Sheena, Thor and the knights, who gestured them to an open space in the city. As he landed there, Arion just continuously looked round at the massive audience all around him applauding. Then Thor stepped forward held out his fist which Arion bumped before Thor lifted Arion up on his should "GIVE IT UP FOR OUR HEEERRROOOOO!!!" Arion almost had to cover his ears from the piercing cheering that echoed throughout the air.

Arion couldn't help but wave to the vast crowd around him before Thor noticed Lord Arthur nod to him "Alright Everyone settle down!" shouted Thor "it's time now, so be quiet" everyone quickly settled down as Thor put Arion down.

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