Chapter 9: The Line grows Thinner

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WIthin a meeting rooom, Boris was meeting with his boss Noire. Noire wore a long white coat with a purple blouse underneath. Her hair a darker purple was in a long but wide plait that drooped down her front. Boris himself was a bald stocky man who wore also a white lab coat. "madam Noire...the results have come back. We now have, almost, full control of the targets. Almost meaning only one or two are resisting" said Boris

"Good...what of that one user caught in the phase two?" asked Noire

"well...nothing has come up in the media or news. And no investigations have gone off in the game. Which is odd know being subjected to the program at that stage...means a lot of pain"

Noire formed a pyramid with her hands, put it on the desk and leaned on it "yes...I know what you mean. Which can only mean that the one player registered was an error" said Noire "So...phase 3 is still underway?"

"yes ma'am" said Boris "The progress had to be slowed down for...just in-case measures but...we now feel confident we can proceed at full pace"

"Yes...player control" she said with a sly smile

"I have to inform you that we are only testing the transmission on a small scale and...the control we will have will be limited"

"I know, I know but still...I look forward when I can become the ruler of this pathetic world. With the whole the palm of my hand"

Back at the school the lunch bell rang to which Arion got up from his desk. Francis approached him from behind putting his arm over Arion's shoulders "hey there dude"

"hi there Francis" said Arion who sounded out of energy

"what's wrong? Didn't you sleep?"

"well...there's that" Arion then rubbed his head "and for some reason I have a splitting head-ache"

"well...nothing a good lunch can fix. Which unfortunately you won't find this school through it" Tema gave a small smile "come on let's go"

Arion and Francis were sat at a table to which Claire shortly joined them. "Hey there boys"

"Hi there Claire" said Francis

"hi...there" said Arion rather slowly

"what's wrong with you?" said Claire "did you pee your bed?"

"to be honest...I would've preferred that. I had an odd dream...and a bad headache" Arion placed his hand on his head

" let me see" said Claire

Claire sat next to him "just put your hand down...and lift up your...fringe? Arion...What happened to you?" Arion  said with a shocked face

"what? What is it?" as Francis looked he too shocked "dude...your head" Tema felt his head but instead of skin felt fabric

"it's...bandaging" said Arion

The three were outside on the ground of the school where Claire was inspecting his bandages "these are completely fresh. Who wrapped these?"

"girl" said Francis "as crazy as this sounds... Alise did it" she was about to retort "wait...I know what you're going to say but hear me out first" Claire nodded not happy " you know the fight Arion or Tema had with the knights yesterday?"

"I'll correct's more like...isn't there a single person who doesn't know about it?" she turned to Arion

"wait...what do you mean?" asked Arion

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