Chapter 1

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~*10 years ago*~

A 17 year old girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes sat cross-legged in the grass. Like a child her hands were between her legs as she said "I'm sorry that I lost control Laxus." She continued to stare at the ground as he angrily shouted "You're weak for not being able to control your magic. Instead letting it control you rather than you controlling it. Because of you're mistake we failed our mission." "But we can still catch" she began only for him to interrupt by saying "There is no we anymore. I'm continuing this mission on my own." She looked up her gaze filled with tears as she said "That's it? One mistake and I'm on my own?"

"I have no time for weak members like you. I only became friends with you because I thought that you're magic would be of use to me. I thought wrong" he said harshly. Tears streamed down her face as she said "So you never meant anything you said?" His glare turned cold and amused as he said "I only made that promise to keep you by my side. Did you really think that I'd keep a promise made to someone as weak and pathetic at you?" His words being the last thing she heard as he walked away. When he left her there the wind became cold and harsh as it began to storm.

She sat there crying as the rain began to pour, until she stood and walked away towards her home. When she arrived she went straight towards her room and packed a simple bag. She stood in the center of her simple bedroom before grabbing a piece of paper and a pen. Tears continuing to fall down her face as she wrote, and when she finished placed the note on the bed. She touched the golden treasure around her neck before jerking it off and tossing it somewhere in the room.

She grabbed her bag and ran out of her home. She stopped at the edge of the clearing, her shoulders hunched as she fought the urge to look back. Shaking her head she ran into the forest not once looking back at her home.

~*Few hours later*~

It was still raining when a 19 year old boy stumbled into the clearing. He wore a dark long sleeved shirt under an olive green t, with dark green pants and simple shoes. His once spiky blonde hair drenched as he wildly looked around the small clearing. Everything that had once been beautifully colored was dark and ugly. The plants that had once blossomed with life were dead or dying. He rushed towards the lonely cottage calling out her name. "Y/N?! Are you here?!" he shouted as his boots connected with the floor boards.

When there was no reply he cupped his hands around his mouth and called her name once more. When there was still no answer he walked into her bedroom. He continued to worriedly call her name only to notice the note on her bed. He grabbed it and tore it in his haste to open it. As he read its contents he fell to his knees in misery. Suddenly he noticed a dull flash of gold under the bed, and picked it up. His blue gray eyes widening as he revealed the heart shaped locket the girl had always worn.

The chain broken and the small hinge busted as he carefully held the locket in the palm of his hand. His fingers gently brushed against the small charms that hung from the bottom of the heart. Each charm represented something she could control, and each no bigger than his pinky nail. A golden sun, a silver cloud, a golden lightning bolt, and a silver snowflake gleamed dully in the fading light. Carefully he opened the locket only to reveal two small paintings nestled within, along with a single yellow daisy petal.

His hand tightened around the locket as his knuckles turned white. Tears streamed down his face as he said "I didn't know."

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