Chapter 12

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~*2 Years later*~

*Reader's POV*

I was laughing at something another guild member had said, before heading back to the bar. As always my eyes wandered to the vase full of white beaded daisies, with its single yellow daisy in the center, as I gathered a tray of drinks. Only this time I noticed a small card resting against the vase. I put the tray down as I curiously looked at it and reached for it only for Mirajane to call my name and place the tray back in my hands. I was in the middle of handing out drinks when I saw a familiar head of spiky blonde hair.

I dropped the tray and it made a large crashing sound. I bolted towards the figure, pushing people out of the way not pausing to apologize or even caring to know if they were alright. I body slammed the cloaked male and it was his surprised expression I saw before we crashed to the floor. I landed on his chest as he gave me a familiar lecherous grin. He touched the ends of my hair and said "You're hair. It's gotten longer." I rose up on my elbows and nodded down at him with a small smile on my face as I said "I might get it cut again soon."

He sat up and I ended up in his lap as his arms wrapped around me. Suddenly he kissed me in front of everyone the air suddenly filled with electricity as he pulled me closer to deepen the kiss. Accidently I shocked him and his eyes narrowed. I swallowed at his expression only for him to reach into his pocket and pull out a small black velvet box. I opened it and gawked at the thin golden band with a lightning bolt on it. "I want you to come with me as my wife" he said softly.

I blinked at the ring then up at him only for him to impatiently say "Well?" I smirked and said "I'm trying to decide what's more appealing, being with you or staying here." "Obviously being with the most eligible bachelor in Fairy Tail" he snorted wrapping his arms around me again. I raised a brow and said "If you ever had that title, I'm sure it's safe to say that you won't have it any longer." He smiled and then kissed me again, then picked me up and took me to his old room while everyone laughed and shared knowing looks.

~*A Few Months Later*~

I woke up in bed underneath the covers, pressed up against a very naked male. I snuggled into his arms as he mumbled "Good Morning Mrs. Dreyar." I laughed as I turned in his arms so that the front of our bodies pressed up against one another's. I placed a chaste kiss on his lips and said "Good Morning Mr. Dreyar. Where are we going next?" He pulled me closer before rolling over on top of me. "We are staying right here" he said with a lecherous grin as he kissed me. The last kiss he gave me ended with a heated spark and he smiled against my neck as he pressed against me.

"Welcome to the rest of our lives" he said huskily as he kissed me again as my arms wrapped around his back.

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