Chapter 3

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*Reader's POV*

I had just finished talking to Makarov and turned to leave only to bump into someone's chest and fall to the floor. The hall went silent as a large hand was offered, and as I accepted I began to apologize as I began to dust myself off. Only to stop when I felt a stranger's hand brush against my butt several times. My apologetic look turned to outrage as I took a step away and said "Excuse me, but accepting your help doesn't mean that you can manhandle me without my permission." I looked up only to see a familiar grin as my gaze narrowed at the man in front of me.

The only things that were familiar was his slicked back spiky blonde hair, the sound pod headphones, the lightning bolt shaped scar over his right eye and his blue gray eyes. I gestured towards his clothes and said "Your clothing style's changed drastically over the last 10 years." I was referring to his leopard printed shirt, with matching belt with its ace of spades buckle, and wine-red pants. But most of all I war referring to his large black coat edged with light gray fur that he wore as a cape.

I raised a brow at his sheepish look as he rubbed the back of his neck and said "I used to smoke cigars at one point and time." I looked at the watch I wore on my wrist and said "As much as I'd love to stay and chat, I unfortunately have somewhere rather important to be." I went to step passed him only for him to block my way rather arrogantly. He shot me a lecherous grin before saying "I'll move if you agree to go on a date with me." I met his gaze with an icy glare before casually saying "The day I accept a "date" proposal from an arrogant, overbearing lecherous oaf like you, is the day I rip out my heart and offer it to him on a silver platter."

The entire time I spoke I never flinched from his piercing gaze. Then I pushed passed him only for him to grab my arm and say "We need to talk." I scoffed before saying "There's nothing to talk about." His gaze never left mine as he said "I wanted to apologize for what I said all those years ago. I never meant any of that, I was just angry and hurt. I had no right to take it out on you." I jerked my arm out of his grip my voice like ice as I said "10 years ago you tossed me aside, telling me that I wasn't strong enough to be your friend. You broke me, left me standing in the rain when you promised that you'd always be with me. And now you're asking for forgiveness?"

His blue gray eyes met mine as he said "I went back for you, but you were already gone." My gaze narrowed as I said "Well you're not going to get it. It took me years to finally make a life for myself without my best friend in it, and now you suddenly pop back up wanting to destroy all the hard work I've done." I shook my head as my glare became harsher as I added "I'm not the same girl anymore. I'm smarter, stronger than I was 10 years ago. And I won't make the same mistake of trusting you a second time, no matter how big of a crush I had on you back then." Then I walked towards the guild's doors my heels echoing in the silent guild.

Just as I touched the door handle he said "Normally I wouldn't hesitate to electrocute someone but my gut tells me that wouldn't faze you. But because I'm in a generous mood I'll make you a deal." I looked back at him with a raised brow and said "If I'm to be honest, in my current mood I'd rather be electrocuted." He took a few steps closer before saying "Don't tempt me, however I've noticed the request you have placed on our board. You need help moving things over the next few weeks while every one else is out on jobs. You need it completed before C/N's return correct?"

I faced him fully before giving him a single nod and saying "Wonderful observation skills you've got there Stud." His eyes narrowed as he said "I'm not an animal kept for breeding purposes." I snorted and said "Could've fooled me, what with everyone kissing your ass and what not." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he continued "My team the Thunder God Tribe will be returning soon, together we'll help you free of charge if you can guess the next three songs playing though my headphones correctly."

I crossed my arms and said "And if I don't?" He gave me an arrogant smirk before saying "I take you out everyday until my team arrives." I stayed silent for awhile thinking it over when he scowled and said "It's not that hard to understand." I glared at him and said "I'm trying to decide which is more appealing. Free help or more than one date with you." He scoffed before arrogantly saying "Obviously a date from the most eligible bachelor in Fiore." I raised a brow before casually looking at my watch and saying "Last I read Hibiki had that title. I knew you were arrogant, but I never realized that you were arrogant enough to boast about something you never had. But in my opinion both choices are equally unappealing because no matter what, it's time spent with you. However because I would like to surprise my cousin with a fully furnished building I'll accept your bet." (I was originally going to say Loke but then I looked it up and decided to use the list I found from the Sorcerer Magazine in the special edition of Fairy Tail volume 16.)

The dark scowl faded into an arrogant smirk as he approached me. I could feel everyone's gaze as I met him halfway. "Still listen to Classic Rock and Roll?" I asked. He nodded as he removed his headphones and placed them on my head. I gently held the phones in place and closed my eyes as I listened. I stayed there feeling his warmth in front of me as I tried to focus on the music that was playing. A small smile on my face as I hummed along with the music.

*Laxus's POV*

I felt everyone's gaze on us as Y/N listened to the music I had playing. She looked so peaceful standing in front of me with her eyes closed and her head tilted to the side as she hummed along. Unconsciously I smiled, my posture relaxed as I looked down at her. Her eyes fluttered open and I realized that I had been staring at her the entire time. Her e/c gaze met mine and as I carefully removed the headphones she uttered words that shocked me to the core. "Don't stop believing by Journey, Dream Weaver by Gary Wright. And my personal favorite I don't want to miss a thing by Aerosmith."

She smirked at my shocked expression and said "I'll meet you at The Briar Rose tomorrow evening at 6. I would give you a tour now but I have a reporter from The sorcerer magazine showing up and I cannot afford the publicity of showing up with a member of the opposite sex." I scoffed and said "Thanks for noticing." She raised a brow and said "How can I not when you reek of testosterone. I sincerely hope you don't mind sweating." I blinked a few times before giving her a lecherous grin and said "Would never mind a bit of sweating with you."

She raised a brow and said "Now that could've been said better, such as I would never mind doing sweaty activities with you. You're starting to lose your touch Mr. Dreyar, I'm slightly disappointed in you. Now don't be late, we'll be starting with the basic floor plan tomorrow without your team." Then she walked out the guild's doors, leaving me to blink a few times before scowling and making my way back to my seat.

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