Chapter 7

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~*The Next Day*~

I went to The Briar Rose early to complete the left over stacks of paperwork from last night. Only to come face to face with another blue box with silver ribbon. I tiredly sighed before opening it and revealing a brand new black pearl bracelet. Which was even more expensive than the perfume I was given. I placed the bracelet back in the box before going back down stairs and opened the doors.

The only person I saw walking around this earl was Cana who was really starting to wobble around on her steps. I looked at the gift in my hand then back at Cana before a wide smile spread on my face. "Hey Cana!!" I shouted. I watched amazed as she faced me without falling on her face. I suddenly asked "How much did you drink last night? I've never seen you this plastered before." Only for her to laugh, and me to suddenly remember what I was doing. I held the gift out towards her and when she eyed it said "You can have it if you want it, I don't wear stuff like this anyway."

To which the weary look on her face vanished and she gladly took it, once again amazing me at how fast she got sober. She pushed her hair behind her ear and asked "Why are you here so early? Thought you'd still be at Levy's place." I shrugged and said "Paper work. I've got tons of requests to go through and schedule before C/N comes back from her mission." She remained quiet for a moment before asking "Would you like some help?" I smiled at her and said "I really would Cana."

I let her in and she gasped in amazement as she looked around. I laughed before gently grabbing her arm and leading her up the stairs. "Works this way" I said with a grin.

~*Time Skip*~

With Cana's help I was able to tackle almost over half of the large stack of requests. As she helped we traded stories of missions we had done. After she left and said goodbye I went back to my paper work, a happy smile on my face.

*Laxus's POV*

I sat down at the bar scowling down at my drink as the guild continued to get louder by the minute. I saw Levy and Cana talking and heard them mention the gift's they had received from Y/N. The grip on my cup tightened as my scowl darkened. I slammed my cup down onto the bar and stood to leave when Cana said "Did you really think that you could buy Y/N's forgiveness?" I faced her with a glare and said "I wasn't trying to buy anything. I just wanted to know I was sorry." My hands tightened into white knuckled fists when she said "That's not the messages she got from your gifts."

My glare turned harsh as I suddenly demanded "Oh so now you think you know what she likes?!" The guild went silent and Cana met my gaze and asked "Did you know that she has a not so secret drawer filled with nothing but chocolate? Or that she knows every song by Aerosmith by heart?" (Sorry if you're not a fan of Aerosmith, but it fits another part of the story.) When I said nothing she said "Did you know that she prefers yellow daisies to white ones? Y/N's not the type that accepts expensive gifts, or rarely any gifts at all. She's the type of person that if she wants something she works for it, rather than someone just handing it to her. I don't know who you got your advice from, but it's obviously someone the complete opposite of Y/N."

The fists I made vanished as I nodded and left the guild.

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