Chapter 11

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~*A Year Later*~

*The day of the Parade*

*Laxus's POV*

I stood outside the guild's door thinking of a good way to have Y/N forgive me but nothing came to mind. I ran my hand trough my hair and groaned in frustration only to wince in pain. I sighed before opening the doors and walking into the guild. I nervously swallowed as I made my way towards the bar. I cautiously made my way towards Cana knowing that she'd end up giving me good advice on what to do when I returned. Only to suddenly see her surrounded by Levy, Lucy, Erza, Mirajane, Bisca and Juvia. I took a deep breath and continued only for them to fall silent as I approached. Nervously I said "I need your help."

"If it's about Y/N, forget it. That was a low blow even for you, especially when she practically confessed to you" Cana said with a harsh glare. I ran my hands through my hair again and said "Yes I know I was an asshole, but I still want your help." "And why would we help you?" asked Lucy. I gave a frustrated groan and said "I don't want you to try and butter her up or anything of the sort, I would just like to hear your advice on what to do, so that she might consider coming with me. I want her to forgive me, but since I've never cared about anything like the way I care for her I don't know where to begin." Cana met my gaze, and she sighed before asking "What have you done so far?"

I rubbed the back of my head and gruffly replied "For the past 14 months, I've been sending her white beaded daisies. One for each place I'd like to take her, and attached to each flower I wrote a small note, I made it seem like a secret admirer sent them so she wouldn't toss them away. I wanted to surprise her with a dinner, but I'm not the best at cooking, and wanted your advice on what to cook for her." Cana raised a brow and said "I would say that you started out pretty good except that her favorites are yellow daisies, not white." I coughed before hesitantly reaching into my pocket and withdrawing a yellow box with a silver glittered ribbon.

I opened it to reveal a single yellow beaded daisy and said "I know, I was going to give this to her. The reason why yellow daisies are her favorite is because when we were children she took me to her home and out of all the white daisies there was only a single yellow daisy. I picked it and gave it to her, I sent her white daisies because I wanted to try and recreate a memory we shared." The girls remained awkwardly silent as I stiffly closed the box and put it back into my pocket. I heard Cana sigh and say "Lobster would be your best bet."

"Anything else?" I asked carefully. Immediately after my words the girls all suggested something. I swallowed and asked "Anyone know how to cook that?" Mirajane left and came back stuffing a cook book in my hands. "You do the cooking and we'll keep her busy" she said tossing me a wink. Immediately I nodded and left to get started.

~*Time Skip*~

*Reader's POV*

Tiredly I entered The Briar Rose and mentally groaned at all the paper work and communication calls I needed to make since the girls of Fairy Tail decided to drag me off for a girl's day because the parade was tonight. I rubbed my neck only to suddenly freeze when I saw Laxus standing beside a white clothed table holding my vase of beaded daisies. He wore a wide collared purple button up shirt, with bluish black pants with a simple red belt and a pair of simple white shoes. I blinked at the bandages he had around his head and neck, and the bandages on his cheek. It made me wonder just how badly he was injured, and just how much more bandages he was hiding.

Then I noticed the romantic dinner laid out surrounding a single candle. There were several covered dishes only for me to pull my gaze away to immediately connect with his. He gave me a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of his neck. It was then that I decided to ask "Why are you here Laxus?" A light blush spread on his face as he said "I wanted to apologize for everything and thought that dinner would be a good start." I sighed before regretfully saying "I wish I could join you, but if I want to make it to the parade later I have to complete the stack of paper work waiting for me, and to give updates to the other Briar Rose member's."

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