Chapter 6

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~*The Next Day*~

*Reader's POV*

The Briar Rose was hectic with everyone scrambling everywhere to gather everything that was needed before they left. I was at the desk on the loft floor of the guild giving orders, checking missions, and double checking all the ties and places when my name was called. I grumbled as I went down the stairs when someone whistled and said "Looks like someone has a secret admirer." I glared at whoever said that only for my gaze to land on a medium sized vase full of sunflowers. I immediately knew who sent then and as I reached for them said "It's not a secret if you know who

it is."

*Laxus's POV*

I walked down to the bar and immediately wondered why it was so quiet. Only for me to notice a vase full of sunflowers in the middle of the bar. I looked at Mirajane and asked "Secret admirer of yours?" She shook her head and said "Has your name on the envelope. They arrived a few minutes ago." Curiously I approached them, and picked up the small card. I opened the envelope and pulled out the card, then laughed at the message it contained.

"If this is another attempt at forgiveness at least had the decency to send my favorites.


I pulled out an extra card and wrote down

"But I don't know what they are, you never told me. But shouldn't I get points for trying?


An unknown man sat at the bar and I asked him if he was the one who had delivered them. When he nodded I asked him to take them back to The Briar Rose. He nodded only to return hours later with a card in one hand and the flowers in the other. Once again I cautiously opened the small envelope and then threw my hands up in defeat at the message.

"Then don't send any. And bonus points are for getting it right, not for doing it.


I took the flowers with a scowl and on my way back towards my room handed the flowers to Mirajane completely forgetting the messages in my hast to get to my room.

*3rd Person POV*

Mirajane curiously opened the envelope that was inside the flowers then fangirled at the three messages, before sticking them in her pocket before continuing her work.

~*Time skip*~

*Reader's POV*

Finally after everything calmed down and everyone was off doing their missions I sat at one of the tables and enjoyed the silence. Only to groan at the paperwork I knew needed to be done. I rose from my comfortable position before going up the stairs and sitting at the desk. I started to sign important documents, and file them when a small blue box with a silver ribbon caught my attention. I carefully pulled it towards me and raised a brow when I saw my name on the card. Slowly I opened the box and blinked at the bottle of perfume nestled inside. Carefully I took it out of the packaging to read the small note card underneath.

It was a very expensive perfume and I crinkled my nose at the very obvious gift. I gently put the perfume back n the box and put it aside to continue my work.

~*Time skip*~

It was late when I went to Levy's place and I tiredly gave her the box. She gave me a wide eyed look and asked "Why are you giving me this?" I blinked before shrugging and said "I don't wear perfume. Especially expensive perfume. So why not give it to you, maybe Gajeel will like it." She blushed at my suggestion before telling me goodnight and rushing towards her room. I gave a tired amused smile before crashing on her couch after cleaning off the books piled on it.

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